
I am so lost and need help. My dad had at least 3 strokes and is in a nursing home in Bakersfield. I live in Oregon. He has nobody to see him or help him. I would like to get him to Oregon but I can't seem to find out how. He can not talk or walk or use the bathroom without help and I don't have money. He gets a small amount from social security and he has Medicare, but I do not know how long he gets it. I cannot find out anything because I'm not power of attorney. I went to legal aid to ask about power of attorney but they could not help me. The place he is at now sent me a bill for 10 grand. I was able to apply for MediCal but won't know for 45 days if he can get it and I don't know if the place he is at now will keep him there until then. I'm overwhelmed and I don't know where to go next. Any advise could be good.

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Hope you didn't sign anything saying you would pay. Children r not responsible for parents bills. Medicare is Dad insurance it doesn't stop. It will be hard bringing Dad to ur state. Medicaid changes from state to state. He would have to probably be a resident for a certain time before he could get Medicaid.
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are you able to come see your dad?
have you spoke to any one at the nursing home?
you could try calling kern county aging and adult services
I live in Bakersfield too.

and like prev poster, you should not be responsible for his bills.
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