
The story of my mother neck pain: almost 40 years back in time, she had biten a sewing needle by accident. Half of the sharp point pierced through her soft skin and stucked inside her neck. At that moment she tried her best to pull it out by herself, but the needle went too deep into her flesh. With her aggressive, alcoholic violent husband, she decided not to tell her husband but to bare her pain and go on with her life, sewing clothes to make ends need for her 5 children. For the first 5 years pain comes and goes. Fast forward to present time almost 40 years later, her pain is constant and unbearable.
We have done cat scans, MRI, x-Ray. None of them see anything. And lead to dead end. He pain is so much that make her warming and tears falling. I love her so much and willing to lose any part of my body in exchange for her pain.

Please anyone know anything, I would gladly appreciate it. 🙏

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So 40 years ago, your mother swallowed a needle? Now, all the tests have shown nothing lodged in her neck that would cause this terrible pain, right? How about she go to an ENT, an ear nose & throat specialist and get their opinion on what's going on. There may be an ultrasound test she can have that is more sensitive than the other tests that would pick up something as small as a needle. The ultrasound wand can be moved around her neck by the technician, all over the entire area, inch by inch, and could reveal the needle that way, whereas the other tests don't have that ability. I think an ENT would have a few solutions for her that other doctors might not.

Oh, and you won't have to lose any of your body parts to heal her pain; it doesn't work that way, fortunately.

Best of luck to you & your dear mom.
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If there is no needle seen on exam then there is no needle existing, so who knows the truth of this story and who knows what happened to the needle. A needle would show up on exam. Now, as to what is causing this pain it could be anything from cervical spinal problems to anything muscular.
While we are not MDs, don't know your Mom, etc. anything we say is a guess. You will have to keep following through with the doctors.
Do read up on pain. It is a fascinating subject. Our brains often form pathways of pain long after the offending "particle, needle, injury" has passed. The body continues on with its flood of hormones to warn the body that there is injury and it should react even when there is nothing to react to. I would consider asking for a pain control consult from a specialist.
You may also want to consider alternative medicine of some kinds, especially if covered by your Mom's insurance. Acupuncture is often helpful in cases of chronic but undiagnosed pain.
Best wishes out to you. It is SO disconcerting to be in pain and to have people tell you that there is no "reason" for it. That way madness lies. I hope you find an answer.
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