
They never cared for me and didn't want their son to marry me, but we were 40, so he did as he pleased. I've had a cordial relationship with them for 20 years until this past spring. After celebrating my birthday, they fabricated an "insult" and have refused to see or speak to me. My husband and teen son have tried to reason with them, even prove they are mistaken, but it's no use. My FIL forced us to remove bins we had in storage in the attic, berated my husband for every perceived transgression going back 40 years, including marrying me and will no longer see him either. He's also called me terrible names to our son and completely fabricated incidents involving me and passed these stories to extended family. I don't think they have dementia but my FIL has had a couple of strokes.

The whole family is in upset. I've never experienced people at end of life who have purposely blown up a family like this. My husband has 3 siblings and they will not intervene because they're afraid my FIL will turn on them as well. Separately, they say he speaks badly of everyone, punctuated with a self-congratulatory, "I remember," with every recount, as proof he still is mentally fit.

At this point, I can ignore them. But this is killing my husband, who has always been close to his mom, at least. And it's upsetting our son who's always seen them as loving grandparents. Would appreciate any advice.

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Gisele, welcome to the forum!

Strokes can and often do result in vascular dementia.

Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) can cause behavioral and psychiatric issues in the elderly.

Are there any signs of self-neglect? Can your husband be in contact with their doctor and indicate that this is a sudden change in mental status?

Dementia, especially vascular dementia, is often not so much about memory as it is about judgement and seeing consequences. Is anyone POA or healthcare proxy for these folks? It sounds like there is some cognitive decline going on.

One of the first "lessons" in dealing with folks with dementia is "don't argue". Look up Teepa Snow and see if your husband can adopt some of her techniques in dealing with his parents.

I wonder if husband could take his mom out (just her) and scope out if Dad is being mean/abusive to her as well? Maybe a grandson/grandad day, and mom gets a trip out to dinner with her son. Not to be argued with, just "how are things at home, mom?"
Helpful Answer (16)

I'm so sorry for this dismaying turn of events in your family. You wrote, " I don't think they have dementia..." Please know that dementia starts out very subtly and then just gets worse. My own 92-yr old mom is fixated on an incident between her and her beloved niece (and my mom is not interpreting it correctly) but my mom just won't let it go no matter how I explain it to her. Mind you my mom's dementia is just in it's infancy.

I agree with BarbBrooklyn that a family "spy" should try to get into the home and look around for signs of disarray or chaos: unopened mail, decline in personal hygiene, opened pill bottles and scattered pills, rotting food, uncharacteristically dirty or disorganized home, signs of neglect of their pets, etc. Based on what is found your family will have a mandate to work towards helping them no matter if they are cooperative or not. You can always contact APS for a wellness check (because the relationship can't get any worse so why not). You can discretely speak to their neighbors to see if they've seen or heard or had any strange interactions with them (but be aware that elderly neighbors can "side" with your in-laws' because they may have been told of the "transgressions" of the family). I wish you and your family much success in helping them.
Helpful Answer (3)
bundleofjoy Sep 2021

i agree geaton. the only thing i would warn against is contacting APS. don’t get them involved, gisele.

try to solve this within the family.

sometimes, (for example FIL), just wants a scapegoat. and you’re it, unfortunately. and your husband.

it might be dementia. but it might also simply be, that FIL is not a nice person and decided to target you.

sometimes there’s really nothing to do, except avoid people who verbally attack you.

i would say: don’t involve APS.

BundleofJoy, things can only be resolved "within the family" when there is cooperation on all sides.

In this case, there is not; there may well need to be an appeal to authority if these folks are endangering themselves or one is abusing the other.
Helpful Answer (3)
bundleofjoy Sep 2021
yes i see what you mean.

There is some Dementia going on. Strokes damage the brain and he is 92. Is MIL really mad at you or going along with FIL to keep the peace. Sounds to me he can be a little scary.

FIL needs a good physical. He needs labs and checked for a UTI, which is very serious in men. Can become septic and die from it. It may be found he has hand more strokes. Or something physical is going on.
Helpful Answer (3)

My father had paranoid personality disorder due to neglect and abuse in his childhood so he always had a somewhat combative personality. We missed or dismissed the first signs of his vascular dementia when he chose one child (oldest son) to be his "buddy" and started being hateful to my mother and his second son who had done nothing at all to deserve this behavior. As the youngest and only daughter, my judgment was occasionally dismissed but Dad did not become very aggressive with me until I challenged his competence and become his legal guardian; even then I caught less grief than my mother and brother. Dad's memory was always good as far as recalling the actual facts of what happened, but his interpretation of what was happening was often off base and he did make up a few details.

Your description of your FIL sounds a lot like my Dad; with my mother trying to minimize Dad's actions to everyone else. Mom did her best to "support" my father but would admit privately his actions were extreme and try to convince us kids to let it go, and we generally did right up to the day Dad hit Mom and caused her to fall, which led to me gaining guardianship.

Vascular dementia is a tricky path to walk because some areas of the brain are damaged while other areas (like memory) appear to remain intact. People appear normal at times but become very unpredictable. My father once "cleaned" the freshwater well to his home by dumping an entire bag of pool chlorine with algaecide into the well even though the bag had clear statements of the poisonous nature of the chemical mix. Fortunately, my mother smelled the chlorine in the water and started questioning what was going on before anyone consumed any of it. Dad's reactions to becoming angered changed too; he began throwing things and I needed to eliminate things in the house he could throw.

I would encourage your husband to continue to maintain contact with his father, visit and call him. Expect the aggressive behavior and the wild statements and just try to ignore them as best you can; arguing and/or defending yourself just doesn't work well although calmly disagreeing with a false statement sometimes does. You should maintain contract too if you can endure the hateful behaviors without anger. I came to view the agressive behaviors as my father's illness and not the person he chose to be when his mind was undamaged but the angry false narrative still hurt.

Its is very important someone in the family maintain contact with your MIL to make sure she is okay. MIL is in a VERY stressful situation and her health may begin failing under the strain.

Utimiately, your FIL may need to move into a Memory Care (MC) facility where the staff is trained to work with behaviors of patients with vascular dementia. My father did very well after he moved into a good MC. Mom did much better as soneone who visited Dad often instead of someone who was responsible for his hands-on care 24/7. Mom was resistant to placing Dad in MC, although she consented because one brother and I were reluctant to allow her to remain alone in the home with him once Dad had demostrated he would harm her and the stress was impacting her own health. Your husband needs to work on building a consenus among his siblings about what point they agree placing his father in a facility should be considered so the family can present a united front if/when that day occurs. Will the "trigger" event be when something bad happens in the home? When Dad runs into the rearend of the vehicle in front of him? Or when Mom is staying at home all the time because she doesn't want to leave her husband alone? Or when Mom has injuries?

Know that you are not alone in walking the journey. Know that most likely your behavior had _nothing_ to do with how FIL treats you now. Regardless of whatever "reason" FIL may have had for not supporting your marriage years ago, if vascular dementia is driving his thinking now, he is unreasonable.
Helpful Answer (6)

I agree with techie except for you maintaining contact. If you are tge trigger than I would not enter their home. If you find MIL is not the problem, then maybe DH can sit with Dad and you can get Mom out of the house. She needs to realize, if he ever hits her, its time for him to be placed.
Helpful Answer (2)

I am the 'trigger' for my MIL. She has cut me off 100%. Like you, due to totally fabricated events and such. I tried for years and years and years to be the calm voice of reason, to not take offense (she's never been kind to me, ever)....and as she aged, she got meaner and nastier. DH never stood up for me nor said a word. I know he didn't want her to turn on him!

Over a year ago everything blew up. All I did was answer a question she'd asked me, and my DH began to talk 'over' me, as she was trying to get him to fix a computer issue. (They are both very deaf). She literally screamed and screamed at me to 'shut up! shut up!' I got up and slapped her gently on the back (to get her attention) and said 'V, I am giving you the best gift. I am walking away and you never have to see or talk to me ever again'. And I walked out the door and left. Haven't been back for almost 18 months. I have no intention of trying to mend this rift. There is literally no point and no hope.

I know she has some kind of mental disorder and she had been in the hospital for a really severe UTI which caused her to fall. But she had been home again for a couple of months and I thought she was 'better'. Nope. Worse.

DH is NOT happy with this dynamic. As long as I was around, I took all the heat. Now he gets it--she is ALWAYS mad, beyond just annoyed, but furious angry all the time. SIL gets the CG role, and DH tries to help, but every visit with her ends in him being screamed at. Now I'm not there to absorb the vitriol, he gets it all. He will BEG me to go with him to visit and I will not. His older brother cut ties with her several years ago and doesn't speak to her.

DH is slowly, slowly coming to see what I have been through and to see his mother as what she is: a hateful, sick woman.

Sounds like your inlaws are terrorizing the whole family. You probably can't do much of anything to change them or the dynamic you find.

It is sad, but they (esp FIL) are going to get worse. Strokes cause mental damage--don't exclude those as a possible causation of the behavior change.

I wouldn't waste my time or breath on them--honestly, my emotional health was so damaged by time spent with MIL. (FIL divorced her 32 years ago and passed 18 years ago--I had a fabulous relationship with him!)

My MIL does not 'recognize' my 5 kids, their spouses or our 14 gorgeous grandkids as being related to her. She has never even SEEN the youngest grandbaby and he is 4. No desire to even see him.

I feel your pain--so clearly. Take a step back and decide how much pain you are willing to suffer to have a 'realtionship' with these people.
Helpful Answer (9)
BurntCaregiver Sep 2021
Good for you Midkid58. You're also right to have no contact with your MIL who always treated you so badly. No one deserves that and no one should ever have to suffer to have a relationship with someone either.
Maybe having nothing to do with your MIL is a blessing in disguise for you and your husband as well. It will keep both of you off the caregiver hook.
When strokes are involved, dementia-like behavior often follows. When dementia is involved, making up stories and believing them *confabulation* is par for the course. Sometimes, the stories are very involved & quite detailed. Your FIL has fabricated a tale about you that isn't true, but HE believes it, and it sounds convincing, b/c he gives the details with authority & passion, so he may have others believing it too! That's the 'charm' of dementia, except there's nothing charming about it. Furthermore, once the demented get an idea stuck in their head, it can't be chopped out of there with an AXE. I know this b/c I have a mother with dementia who's 94.5 and has put ideas in her own head that blow my mind. I can't convince her she's deluding herself, either, so there's no point in trying. I can tell her 10,000x that she's wrong, yet she'll go right back to the confabulated story again in 5 minutes, insisting it's true. It's probably THE most frustrating thing I've ever dealt with in my life.

So. Your FIL is my mother, but more destructive with his choice of confabulated stories. Your husband is the one who's hurting here b/c he doesn't understand the nature of his father's dementia and what confabulation means. Once he does understand what's going on, he can *hopefully* relax a bit and allow the situation to stop killing him. He's not going to be able to stop his father from carrying on like a lunatic with these stories he's telling about you, and from thinking he hates you, though. That's not possible. Unless dad has another stroke and the brain damage makes him forget that he 'hates you' and sends him off on another tangent. Sad but true.

So in the meantime, go to and read about what I said here. Have DH read about it too, so he doesn't wind up hating his father for what he's doing to you; he can't help it; his brain is damaged now.

The best thing for you and DH to do is limit your contact with your FIL. You need to stay away from him b/c you are the subject of his wrath. You seem to be okay with it, so that's good. DH just needs to come around to understanding what's happening and not take it personally, as hard as that is to do.

I hate dementia and strokes and every horrible thing it does to our loved ones and their families, I really do. I'm sorry you are going thru such a terrible thing with your FIL, and that he's wreaking such havoc on your family. Sending you a hug and a prayer for peace in the midst of the chaos.
Helpful Answer (5)

I'm sorry your in-laws are behaving so terribly. If they never cared for you and didn't want their son to even marry you, then I'd say it shouldn't be any great loss to you that they don't talk to you. It sounds to me like you didn't have an easy time in this family for a long time.
Think of them cutting you and your husband off as a blessing in disguise. The two of you will now be off the hook for when MIL and FIL need caregiving and from how they're being now, it sounds like they will need it soon.
Do remember that your in-laws are the ones in the wrong and not as of late either. If they've always disliked you and treated you poorly the possibility of dementia will only make it worse. You don't owe them nothing. They are and have been the ones in the wrong because they don't like you. If your husband's three siblings won't speak up to the parents and the rest of the family, so be it. Let them and their spouses become the nanny-slaves that your in-laws will demand they become very soon. You and your man are off that hook. Be grateful.
Your son is a different story though. If he loves his grandparents and wants to see them, he should. If they start bad-mouthing you or his father then he needs to walk away.
My advice is you can't change anyone. You did nothing wrong. Don't reach out to them. Be grateful that the miserable burden of that their care will no doubt be, will not fall to you and your husband.
Helpful Answer (4)

Dear Gisele, I am in awe at the medical and personal knowledge that people on the site can give to you and so many others. I hope it helps you. All I can add is my sincere sympathy for the troubles you and your family are going through, and hope that you all have courage and can keep things together in such a dreadful time. Love, Margaret
Helpful Answer (2)

A neuro-psychiatrist once said to me of people becoming older and developing cognitive problems, "they remain themselves, but more so". Protect yourself from the ones that were always unpleasant, or selfish, or angry, or.... They probably will not mellow out (I don't want to be too negative.). I am struck by how often people on this site mention what a difficult time they have always had with people who were once much healthier, in less pain and discomfort, and not so helpless. The writers are still so disappointed at what happens. We never really getting over expecting our elders to love us the way we wish they had.
Helpful Answer (8)
BurntCaregiver Sep 2021

No truer words have ever been spoken. I believe that neuro-psychiatrist who spoke to you is right.

"They remain themselves, but more so". The in-laws of gisele28 never cared for her or even liked her. So dementia shows up and that dislike turns into something far worse.
I'm surprised it's a DIL in the role of family scapegoat and not one of their own adult kids (almost always a daughter as we all know) in that role.
Well, there isn't much gisele28 and her husband can do except learn as much as they can about Alzheimer's/dementia. Then stay away from the in-laws entirely. Don't reach out to them. In fact, they should consider them dead already and grieve the loss.
Your husband and son can see them if they wish, you're under no obligation to go, or even to stay in communication with them
Helpful Answer (4)

While what's been said and done (and continues to be said) is hateful and hurtful to you, consider it somewhat of a blessing in disguise. You don't have to try to maintain any sort of relationship with them. Although it has been a "peaceful" 20 years, underneath it all I'm sure you're aware that you weren't "accepted" by them or at least FIL.

This is harder on your husband and son. Regardless of what might be the cause of this "break", they should be advised to avoid trying to argue with or convince FIL that he's wrong. It's best to just try to ignore it or steer the discussion to another topic - diversion, redirection, whatever works to get the focus onto something else.

If there's anyone in the family who might be able to "investigate" or help see that FIL gets a good checkup, including urine culture and blood work, it's possible there could be a medical cause behind this that can be treated. If not, it is also quite possible that the strokes have resulted in short-circuiting his brain, leading to dementia-like behaviors. That isn't really treatable, but it is possible medication can tone it down. However he will have to be amenable to getting a check up.

I agree with others - have someone check with mom to be sure she's okay. Perhaps she can shed some light on changes he has gone through recently. If someone can take her out under some pretense, but then have a candid talk with her, it might help. Clearly this shouldn't be your husband or son (and certainly not you!)

Too often a spouse might try to "cover" for the other and hide anything going on. It should be explained to her that it's better to address it than try to hide it. My mother's cousin did this for her husband. She ended up dying a year and a day after her sister, leaving him vulnerable. Their son was turned in by the bank for taking dad to the bank and withdrawing funds. What a mess! (She was the executor of her sister's estate, but it was incomplete, the atty was less than useless and in the end it fell on me, as I found out I was named the alternate executor. She didn't trust the atty and withdrew most of the money before the specific distributions were done. Thankfully a CD was deposited into the primary account when it matured, per her instructions, but the rest had already moved to the estate account. With that, I was able to honor the will distributions!)

Hopefully legal documents have been done already (wills, POAs, medical directives, etc.) If not, it may or may not be too late for FIL (even if not too late, he may refuse, given his current state of mind!)

Recommend researching strokes/dementia and helping husband to understand how this may be impacting his dad. Whatever the underlying cause is, understanding that this behavior is beyond FIL's control may help. Same for your son. Knowledge is useful and can help take away some of the hurt if they know it isn't something FIL can control. In many ways, dementia lies to the person. My mother insisted every which way that she was fine, independent and could cook. Answer = D: none of the above. Thankfully in her case she actually became a bit nicer, easy going. Staff liked her and thought she was so cute and funny! The only exception was during a bout with a UTI - out of control until we could get tested, medication for the UTI and anti-anxiety for her bad sun-downing.
Helpful Answer (4)

It appears your FIL is suffering from dementia caused by his strokes. The strokes have stolen parts of his memory as well as parts of his mind that deal with decision-making and probably emotion. Since your FIL chooses to "see" everything in a negative light, please do not take this personally. However, I do have a few suggestions:
1 - Apologize for any slight he seems to be holding onto. The goal is to "calm the waters" rather than to actually admit to any guilt. It might be helpful to send him a card or cards to express "sorry" and always end with expressing your respect, love, and esteem. When your FIL ramps up on an imagined slight, you can point to the card and say, "Dad we already dealt with this. We love you." Then change the subject or engage his mind in a new activity.
2 - Since this seems to be a new-ish problem, please get whoever is responsible for FIL's care to take him to a doctor. This could be signs of a new stroke or a pending stroke. If this is clot-based or a narrowing of blood vessels, something could be done by his neurologist. If this behavior seems to coincide with agitation, then he is probably suffering from anxiety about a world that doesn't quite make sense. A mild anti-anxiety medication may help him to keep from getting angry and accusative.
3 - Please try to create "good" memories when your family visits. Bring things your FIL likes: simple activities, snacks, movies, music. The goal is to create new, pleasant associations so your FIL sees everybody in the family in a better light.
Helpful Answer (3)

Strokes can really change a personality. My grandmother had several TIA strokes that changed her from a fairly taciturn, stern person into a very chatty extrovert. If possible can you get whoever has medical POA to discuss this change with his doctor.
Helpful Answer (2)

If there was a misunderstanding, there was a misunderstanding. My parent is very hard of hearing and often will get angry over what she 'thought' she heard. I have to correct it. Many days later it might be repeated again as the way she 'thought' she heard it. Possibly that's what happened here. It can also be a big sign of a dementia issue for one....convinced the other it really happened.

Try to get hubby to go there without you to begin with and tell him, even if it's brought up, no discussion about it. Change subject or just look at his watch and say, I have to get going. Get him to at least talk to his mom alone so she knows they still have relationship and perhaps he can convince her nothing said was intended to be hurtful.

Have you tried going there yourself to talk to them? Maybe if you went you can smooth it over - for the sake of other relationships. You can even say - if it sounded like I said that, I'm sorry. I'll be more careful how I word things. Sometimes it may be easier to own it in a way without really owning it to smooth ruffled feathers.

I hope you get this all worked out. At their age, nothing is worth losing an entire family over. Just start paying closer attention to other little things. You may identify a future of dementia issues.
Helpful Answer (0)

Apart from sitting all 5 of you down at the table and telling them you are listening perhaps they had better get all their "issues" off their chests so you can answer their "problems" and life can go on I don't see what you can do. Your MIL is old and your FIL older (I apologise if not that way round) and they are frightened and know they are failing.
I am sorry for you having to go through this, and even more sorry for your son and especially your husband and their son. I cannot see that you can ever be in the right - you are not going to be able to get mental assessments done for them if they are being so negative so you can only worry about yourselves and leave them to each other. I doubt that once you have had a sit down and they have got everything off their chests it will make much difference, I suspect if you do something for them the next day you will just get another rant or unpleasant comments. You cannot force them to go into a facility so, hard though it is leave them to it and your husband can phone once a week, but that is probably about the best contact any of your will get with them. Stop caring about what they say - they are not able to control their behaviour any more than a child at the start of their life. Just ignore it and concentrate on your son and husband. You don't have to see them so don't - why put yourself in that position.
Helpful Answer (2)

disgustedtoo: "While what's been said and done (and continues to be said) is hateful and hurtful to you, consider it somewhat of a blessing in disguise. You don't have to try to maintain any sort of relationship with them. Although it has been a "peaceful" 20 years, underneath it all I'm sure you're aware that you weren't "accepted" by them or at least FIL"

And if your H gets any wild areas about taking them in as things progress, everyone knows it won't work because the ils don't want to be around you. You won't have to do any elder caregiving! That is a huge win.

Moxies is right -- they say old people (can) become more of themselves. They lose filters that kept the truth from coming out in their younger years. I always knew I was a disappointment to my mother, but what I had to hear as she declined was still difficult. I was always a nasty person and my time was worth nothing, I had only been jealous of my brothers, etc. And she thought I was trying to steal her condo. I took the quick route to making myself feel better -- I was able to get payment for all the hours I had to spend with her (she lived "independently" in a condo 7 minutes away from me -- my 3 brothers all lived out of state, of course). The POA brother readily agreed. So I got $20/hour (including back-pay). I considered it a job, and felt much better about it all emotionally. When I'd brought up the idea of compensation up to her before, I was met with her almost screaming at me that, "You don't pay family!"
Helpful Answer (6)

I'll add my voice to stay away from FIL completely.

I think I would try to accept they are sliding into decline in an awful way. Tragic. But it happens that way sometimes.

But I would continue to keep supporting your Husband, as THAT is the relationship you want to be still standing when his parents are no more.

He may choose to keep seeing them or not. He maybe very torn about that. He may need time & space to come home to decompress if he does.

As others have said, whoever is still close them could keep an eye. Safety is a concern.

MIL may have denial or be naive about FIL's cognition or alternatively, be aware & covering (this happens a lot). Many times an elder would never think to call EMS even when there is a medical or mental health crises. Or one forbids the other to call. Others on the site have had to set up a 'safety plan' in such cases. If not mobile phone savvy, a safe neighbour to go to call for help instead.

I am sorry for this situation - it is sad for you all. Maybe blame it on the 'stroke related brain changes' when talking to your son.
Helpful Answer (8)

Here's another suggestion, wait until hubby and son are gone, put on "Hey Ya" by Outcast and dance.
Helpful Answer (1)

Your husband is sticking by you, so let them go wallow in their hatred.
”When people show you who they are.”
Helpful Answer (1)

Please read about confabulation.
This is a stage of his dementia. In time, he will not remember that he said these things.
The last thing you want to do is argue about it or try to convince them they are wrong. That seems to solidify the story in their mind and it is so real to them. The confabulator is absolutely sure of what they are saying.
One of the stories my DH Aunt happened to a neighbor but she claimed it happened to her and even embellished it.
Another was she would say that various, unrelated people, had moved into apartments.
If I asked had she seen a certain friend she would say that the friend had moved into an apartment in a neighboring city. If I asked why, she never had any of the details just that they had moved.
If I asked Aunt if her SIL was home or visiting with her daughter, she would say, SIL had moved into an apartment in the city where her daughter lived.
Before I noticed that everyone in Aunts circle seemed to be moving into an apartment. I believed her.
It didn’t really sink in until one day she told me that a younger great niece (13 at the time) had moved into an apartment! What?? I called the first friend to see how she was doing in the apartment, she had no idea what I was talking about! She hadn’t moved at all.

I begin to figure out that it was dementia. I remembered my MIL, aunts sister, had done this in the beginning of her dementia. Her daughter would say her mother was lying. I had been taught never to call anyone a liar so that was shocking to me. MIL, I reasoned, was probably more confused than lying. I hadn’t known her as a liar. But the strange thing was the person confabulating always seems very sure of what they are saying. It’s everyone else who is confused. This person you absolutely trust is saying outlandish things!

What is different about your situation is whether your MIL is also saying these things? You said in-laws but then you only referred to FIL. Does she just go along with whatever he says?

I would ask those that are in good standing to try to get him and/or her to a neurologist for a checkup and to watch for other signs.

It’s a heads up for sure that their paper work needs to be in order and I would ask the other siblings to not mention you at all in order to let this die down.

The in-laws will probably be complaining before long that you never visit.
Helpful Answer (5)

Don’t ask anyone to intervene for you, that’s no fair as they’ll be uncomfortable and likely get venom back. Don’t discuss the situation anymore, leave it to your husband and son to see them or speak to them as they see fit. And know that strokes often have the result of personality changes. I’m sorry for your hurt in this, hope you’ll step away from this and fill your time with things that bring you joy
Helpful Answer (13)

I don't see a way to edit my post, but I forgot the most bizarre part. My MIL, who is totally on board with the things my FIL says, calls MY mom, who is 85 and still has her faculties, about 1x of 2x per week to "chat," without mentioning that she thinks I'm horrible and won't see/speak to me. My husband does not want me to end this connection, yet I think if my mom knew what was going on, she would NEVER speak to my mil. And eventually, will be very upset with me for not telling her and allowing her to speak with my MIL under seemingly duplicitous circumstances.
Helpful Answer (4)
sp19690 Sep 2021
Thanksgiving and Christmas should be interesting. Sad you can't even talk to your own mother about this situation. I never understand why family protects the one doing wrong and throws the innocent victim under the bus. Your FIL may have a reduced filter from the strokes but it certainly doesnt excuse your MIL's part in all this. Seems like she is using her husband's diminished capacity to let her real feelings shine through.

Old, hateful people suck.
See 4 more replies
I don't know but no matter what anyone says, I think this is a case of dementia and I for one will not tolerate the behavior of people with dementia - I just can't and won't - horribly burned by them the past and I run as fast as I can. And strokes can affect the mind terribly. These are OLD, SICK PEOPLE......and if nothing stops their behavior, much as it may hurt, I would not look back for a second - I couldn't - support your husband and I suggest he and you both move on and don't look back because if you stay and are involved, this will destroy you both. Remember the good days but stay clear of them now.
Helpful Answer (8)

I'm so sorry this happened to you, your husband and your son. As others have said dementia can start subtlety. With your FIL's strokes he definitely can be suffering from vascular dementia and depending on where the strokes occurred can cause different responses. (In my father who showed no outward signs of the stroke; the stroke was in his balance center causing his frequent falls).

My father got mad at his oldest neice's husband and would go on and on about it with her. She was deeply hurt as he and she had a special bond.

Keep a low profile - it may happen that as his brain deteriorates he will forget the entire episode. If relations are impossible for your husband and grandson to see FIL, maybe they can still keep in contact with MIL unless she is siding with FIL.

Praying for your family that you are blessed with peace and grace. Hang in there.
Helpful Answer (4)

I would insist your husband visit his parents. It sound like you have tried to get them to like u but at some point u just have to give up. The reason I am saying your husband should still visit them because if he stays away he could later blame you
that he wasnt there to see his parents pass. If his parents are 92 and 86 chances are they probably have some dementia. They may also
miss seeing their son.
Helpful Answer (2)

There's really not much you can do.

I would send flowers and write a nice letter.

If they no longer want to include ya'll then you'll have to move on with your life.

I would still send them cards fir all occasions with nice notes in them.

Maybe another family member can arrange for mom and your husband to meet for lunch or a visit.

Helpful Answer (4)
bundleofjoy Sep 2021
i think your approach is very good :). i agree, good idea for OP to try it out.
I’m so sorry they’re acting in such a cruel manner - I know this may sound extreme but it sounds from what you said the fil is committing slander against you - maybe a lawsuit for defamation of character would get his attention I know it may sound unrealistic but just bc they’re old doesn’t mean they can act in a deliberate harmful manner to others- sometimes actions need to have repercussions. At a minimum if the lawsuit is too much you can have a lawyer send a “cease and desist letter” to fil that he is to stop all defamatory comments about you

Another idea is to write a general statement and issue it to the extended relatives to let them know he’s engaging in defamatory comments and you wish to set the record straight.

Third this is so cruel and damaging I can imagine the pain and anguish your husband especially is going through and it’s also of course very stressful and damaging to you and your son as well. I recommend seeking family counseling for you your husband and son with a therapist who specializes in abusive family members abd if you can find one that has experience with narcisstic personality disorder even better ( not diagnosing your fil but whether or not he’s a narcissist, his actions are very similar to how narcissists behave.

Has your husband ever taken a firm stance against this? Are there other family members who would might have a word with them? If you go to a therapist you could ask if they would be willing to advocate for you and your family to your fil ( something as simple as a phone call with him during a session)
Helpful Answer (1)

Very sorry for your stress - which must be through the roof. This is a really difficult situation. Like many similar situations with people and the inexplicable things they do, you have to let go and accept you can only control yourself. I would give your in-laws their space and wait it out. I would not send notes and flowers snd such as they have made it clear that you are not welcome in their life and they would likely view those notes as provocative. At most, I would send them a note saying that you are sorry for whatever it is that causes them to dislike you and say that you wish it were different but respect their right to feel the way they do. Then I would have no further contact. I would sit down with your husband and son snd let them know that you do not want this situation to affect their relationship with your in-laws but that for your own well being you are not going to force the situation into a close family when that is not within your control. It can be a learning experience for your son - that age and possibly dementia can bring on such behavior. Let your son know you value family enough to not make him choose between you and them. Same for your husband. Then hold your head high and get about life as best you can. Don’t let a toxic relationship like this drag you down. It take two to play this game. Don’t play.
Helpful Answer (7)

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