
Short term rehabilitation care for elderly parent.  Mother hurt her knee and cannot walk. Went to ER and they discharged her. She cannot walk and must use a wheel chair while she recuperates. She lives alone (we live over 4 hours away) and has stairs in the house. Currently cannot drive. She has medicare part A and B plus a supplemental policy (65+). Will insurance pay for a few weeks in a rehab facility while her knee recovers? Who do we talk to.

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Use a wheel chair for a bumped knee? Sounds like there is more to it than just a bumped knee. OR is she trying to get you to drive in and see her?
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Thank you. She had a severe twist of knee and fluid drained and cannot walk. Currently using a wheelchair but cannot take care of herself while recuperating. My wife has been staying and I have been shuttling 4 hours to provide basic care (e.g. feed, rest room, Dr. appt., etc.). We both work and we wondering how we can get her into a rehabilitation facility to help her with therapy and personal care and if her medicare and supplemental insurance will cover?
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My mother was only in rehab after at least a three day stay in the hospital. I think that's the rule. Usually the supplemental plans only pay on charges that Medicare pays on but you can check with your mothers supplement to make sure. Her dr could order her home health which would cover changing bandages if that is part of her injury. They'll take her vitals and check on her weekly while she's injured. They can send an aid to help her with her bath and laundry. They can also help with getting her evaluated for physical therapy in her home. You can look for a home health online on the Medicare website. Pick one out and give them a call. They can come evaluate your mother and work with her dr to get orders for their services. If she hurt herself, went to ER and then home, she may have to go in and see the dr in order to get these services approved and started. Usually the ER sends orders for a followup with the type care she needs at home. Hopefully she has a neighbor or friend or other relative closer who can help her out.
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Good she's already been to a dr appointment. There should be no problem with getting her home health through her dr.
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As everyone has noted above, call her doctor and get him to script some home health. It's not round the clock care, but it's something. Perhaps mom need aides coming for a week or so; can your wife arrange that through the same agency, paid for out of mom's funds.

Perhaps it's also time to talk to mom about the idea that it's time to relocate to a one level living arrangement, perhaps a Senior Apartment or Independent Living situation.
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Thank you all. Got her to her primary MD today and he explained the process and wrote script for home care and home PT...all covered by her ins. You all are saints. Thank you.
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We're not saints; we're just folks who've been through this before and wished, in retrospect, that we knew just a bit of what we know now.

Check back in and let us know how mom does. And if you're up for it, pass your experience on to others in the same boat!
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