
Have been caring for grandparents for the past several years. Grandpa has just recently passed away. But I now I feel like just stopping caring for grandma. Not because of grandma or her fault. But because of family. I know it would break grandmas heart if I were to leave, as I am her “security blanket” and I’m the one she’s most comfortable with. It’s my family that’s making me want to leave. My grandparents had 8 kids. 4 of them have been nothing but problems and causing issues. They haven’t been around or involved in the past 10 years. But now it’s like they have a jealousy issue and feeling guilt for not being here. My mom has medical and financial POA for my grandma. They are trying to accuse us of doing things wrong, and stealing money. And now they have filed for guardianship. Me and Mom are done having to deal with them and want to stop caring for grandma and move out. But I feel bad leaving grandma, knowing it would break her heart and she would decline so much really fast. I just don’t want to do. Any advice?

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Wilson; How old are you?

Are you employed? What is your life trajectory?
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Between you & your mom, decide what's best so that you both can live a quality life. Please pray about it, & don't rush. It's a painful process that won't be perfect no matter what, but you both did a good job already.✌☺
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You can contest guardianship. Prove that you have cared for your grands. Doctor letter would help. Show how long you have been there. Just because they file doesn't mean the Judge will grant it.

Or maybe its time for someone else to take the reins. Guardianship has a lot more responsibility than a POA. POAs don't have to prove how they spend money unless someone wants an audit. Guardians are audited every year by the state and every penny needs to be accounted for.
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