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Is the patient able and willing to stay in the SNF?
Is the patient competent to make his or her own decision SAFELY?
You might want to call medicare at 1-800-medicare and check on this threat. I have seen it used in hospital and it is completely false.
An SNF or rehab is not a prison. However, you may have difficulty in future getting this elder in for care in a facility from which they signed out AMA (against medical advice).
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Medicare and the secondary insurance will pay for whatever time the person was in Rehab. The problem going AMA is they don't have to give you prescriptions or set up in home care. When u walk out your on your own. And I think someone posted that if the person lands in the hospital again for the exact same thing they had before that they went to Rehab for and left AMA, Medicare may not pay for that care. I doubt if that same facility would take the patient back either. You may want to call Medicare to find out if what I said is true.

Be aware, u do not have to except rehab. My Dad chose not to and so did a friend of mine. PT can be given in home. I swore if Mom was in the hospital again and needed PT to just get her strength back, I would have had PT done in the AL.

I had a Care meeting on a Thurs and was told Mom would be discharged on Tues. Reason, her Dementia was keeping her from being able to participate in her PT. So why not discharge her the next day? I never asked and should have but I was upset because they stopped one of her drugs. I think its a Medicare thing? Mom was in Rehab to get her strength back from being in the Hospital for 3 days. I told the financial office going in, there was no money after the 20 days Medicare paid 100%. They discharged her on the 18th day.
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