My mom has moderate severe dementia and the dental hygienist says she has stage 2 periodontal disease. My friend says that there's nothing that can be done because she fights off anyone who tries to help her brush her teeth. She also said to not worry so much about it because there's nothing that can be done. The caregivers at her memory care cannot force her to brush and floss because they can get bitten and hurt. She already fights them and screams when they give her a shower. I'm afraid my mom will lose the last of her teeth and I called a dentist to come and see her. Am I in a losing battle? I stay awake at night because it stresses me out thinking about it. She has always worn dentures, and has 6 teeth on the bottom. She eats great, but it's a chore to even get her to put her top dentures on. She doesn't even care if she doesn't have them on. She'd rather not even wear her dentures. So, I want for her bottom teeth to stay intact so it's easier for her to eat. She refuses for anyone to brush her teeth and wants to do it herself, but she doesn't brush thoroughly. And, flossing, forget about it. Caregivers will not put their hands in her mouth and risk getting bit or hit.
Once mthr was on Seroquel, she was much happier. She will brush her teeth if you put the readied brush into her hands and tell her what to do. She was at a point where no one could change her depends and she tried wearing a wet one all day. We gave her a pill and in an hour we could change her. Sad but meds are needed to keep them comfortable and happy.
Mthr lost several teeth that just fell out after her surgery, but we were warned that tooth and hair loss could be a side effect. She was concerned enough to show the spot to anyone who would look, but she forgot quickly. I appreciate you wanting your mthr to have those dentures as long as possible, but her time without them may be close.
I would stop worrying about your mother's teeth.
They forget how to chew their food! Hope this is helpful?