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Go to the search bar on this page and type in “getting paid for caregiving”. There are dozens and dozens of posts on just this subject.
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Eddie; besides what Joy just suggested, you might want to Google "Medicaid waivers' and the name of mom's state.

Many states have waiver programs by which Medicaid pays family caregivers a stipend. It's not a lot but it's something. Sometimes they are called PACE programs.

Another good resource for information about local programs is your local Area Agency on Aging. Every County in the US has one.

Best of luck and please wish mom a Happy Mother's Day from me.

Helpful Answer (1)

Look under "Find Care" and "Care Topics" and see if this forum answers your question. I think it is wonderful you are able to care for her - make sure you have a backup plan. Hope you and your Mom have a Happy Mother's Day.
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