
He has Parkinson's and now dementia. I have to work during the day and would like him to go somewhere where he can be taken care of and have fun. any help would be wonderful

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My cousin is also 63 years old, but her dementia is much more advanced. She is between Moderate and Severe already. It's so sad, especially when they are so young.

I have visited a Senior Center in the town where my cousin was living. It is open most all day. They have activities, lunch, snacks, watch tv, etc., The area that I saw was secure, so that those who entered could not just walk out. I noticed that there were a few younger looking people, but they appeared to have some sort of medical/mental issues. I'm not sure what there were, but it was not all elderly people.

The staff at the Senior Center was very helpful. I would check with yours and see what they might suggest. The link provided above looks good. I might also google senior day care in your area.
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Hi VBjenny,
My mother has had dementia since she was 63 too.
When she was 65 I got in touch with a local dementia specific day care centre and we visited to have a chat.
They admitted they didn't have anyone as young as my mother at the center but I asked if we could please give it a try and they were wonderful.
They took her on the basis of her ' helping them' which she actually did.
she was part of the group as a client two days a week but she enjoyed to help the older folk on and off the bus and to take the morning tea plates to the kitchen etc ( sadly many of the staff are just a bit younger than her).
She has been there for 5 years now and is much more demented but still loves it because she knows them all and it is a very familiar safe place to her now.
I think getting her familiar with it early has really helped and that would benefit your husband too.
She is very happy when she goes there and still sometimes calls it 'work' which she loves-as I guess everyone likes to feel needed and useful!
Not sure which country you are in ( I'm in Australia ) but you could google days centres in your area or the aging care website may have info.
All the best to you .
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Vbjenny, oh my gosh, your hubby is so young to be having dementia. You have a great idea about having him go to a senior center while you are at work. There might not be a specific center for someone closer to his age, but he could go and help out older people, and get the enjoyment of *volunteering* while he is there.

Your best bet is to call your local Council on Aging and ask where is the nearest senior program center for your husband. Try this website to see if there is a Council on Aging in your county.
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