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Medicare is a health insurance. They don't pay for longterm in home care. Medicaid would be the people you call.
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Yes, Medicaid. Before you take this step (and if you have the financial means to) consult with an elder law and estate planning attorney to make sure all your legal and financial ducks are in a row.

Contact your county's dept of health and human services or find them online. You can download the application form from there. Make sure you read the app carefully and supply all the "proofs" that are required. After you mail it back (make a copy of it before sending) make sure you open any letter that comes from them afterwards as they may be requiring more proofs and you will have only a week to send that in before you have to apply all over again. Once the app is complete and in process it will probably take 3 months or more to know if you've been accepted. No one will call you or email you (scam heads-up) so only watch your mail. Good luck!
Helpful Answer (1)

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