
See earlier note. I recently moved to this senior center.

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Sure. Everyone is welcome here. As an aging Senior, join my crowd. I am 78 with an 80 year old partner. You would have a lot of advice to give that is very valuable to others, and perhaps a few questions to ask of caregivers and other seniors. Welcome.
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I found this site when I had Mom living with me 24/7, 2014. I got so much info on Medicaid. Helped keep from making some mistakes. Moms gone but I hope I can and have helped others. Still learning.

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Definitely. I am an 83 year old senior who was looking after my mother at a distance, Since she passed just over two years ago, I have stayed on and am learning things that benefit me, Let us know how you like the senior center. I am still an my home but planning to make a move eventually.
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With luck, you can learn things for yourself and share your own experience too. My daughter has a weak bladder from MS, and I was pleased to pass on a site hint about bending forward to let pressure empty the bladder more completely. I do it myself now, too.
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JoAnn29 Feb 2021
I must have missed that. Nice to know for our "older" ladies. 😊
Many, if not most, on this site are both- senior citizens and caregivers or past caregivers. As a past caregiver and staunch advocate for dementia and Alzheimer's awareness, I still learn from those who contribute to the forum. If you look under care topics you'll find articles on various issues like financial, estate planning and healthy aging. I'm sure you'll profit from joining the group.
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Jungan8, welcome to the forum :) What is great is that we can learn from each other.
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