
Today I was told by the hospice nurse that my mother is in the beginning stages of end of life. Her kidneys are starting to shut down, her blood pressure is very low, she's not eating at all for the past 24 hours, she's asking for random things like a joint (she's never been a marijuana smoker), asking for a cigarette (she quit over 15 years ago and has COPD), asked for a beer (never drank beer), mostly we can't hear her or understand what she says, she just sleeps mostly and tonight couldn't even open her mouth for her meds I crushed and put into applesauce. My sister refuses to come see her at my home. My mom made a mess of my siblings and myself by telling everyone what they wanted to hear even if none of it was the truth. My 2 aunts/her sisters hate me because of these lies and won't come to my home to see her unless I leave... That ain't happening! My brother is the only one who is being civil even though we also have problems, he just today acknowledged that our mom spread a bunch of lies to gain sympathy from everyone. I have POA and before she started getting dementia symptoms she left me as sole beneficiary. I won't keep everything and I will split the money I get with the sale of her home with my siblings even though my mom didn't feel they deserved it for treating her badly for many years. I just want her to go peacefully and allow me to heal from this nightmare of a life of taking care of my mother since I was a child. I've gone through so much abusive trauma because of her actions but never expected to hurt so much at this "end-of-life stage". I wish I could sleep but I just stay awake listening in case she calls out for me, I don't want her to be alone when she passes. I'm gonna need a lot of professional mental help after this.

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When your mother passes, she will not be fully conscious. Her body will take over what she can hear, see, know and every other part. Genuine ‘last words’ usually come hours before the end, unlike the average quick and silent ‘BBC death’. She won’t know if you are there or not.

Get what sleep you can. Dealing with a funeral, visiting relatives and all the rest of it is very tiring. It doesn’t help anyone to stay up so that you can be there at ‘the last minute’. My mother died in her sleep at midnight, when I was asleep beside her a few feet away. I was awake the rest of the night, and there was a huge amount to do the next day. Lots of love, Margaret
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Sorry your mom is failing. Seems so young, as my mom is now 79 which I never expected her to live this long.

Maybe your siblings will stop being such jerks but if not, then let it go and you don't have to care what they think.

Please sleep. I think it's totally OK for a person to be alone when they die. Often they do die when people live the room, as if they don't want someone there with the. It's OK. Her time is over but you need to take care of YOU.

Good luck,
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I hear you. I'm sorry for what you're going through, and I hope the end is peaceful for your mother. Things will be better for you someday. Hold onto that.
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It sounds like your Mom suffered from a Narcissistic personality. It is usually due to childhood abandonment. bad childhood, and/or being raised by a narcissistic mother. Narcissistic Mothers turn siblings against each other and choose favorites at various times. They can’t understand how people feel because they have always been so focused on themselves. They often transfer a bad situation and make it about them. Family counseling may help if everyone agrees. Just reading a book about it can help. I know it’s hard to deal with and the pain can cut to your heart. It’s usually the one she has trashed the most that ends of caring for her. It’s because we always want her approval. Recognizing this behavior can help healing and bring positive change within. All need to get past He said, She said. No one is perfect and we all know our shortcomings even if no one tells us. I wish peace and healing for your family. Your Mom probably feels a little afraid. Play some meditation music and try to keep her mind on positive things-her faith, sunshine, flowers, wildlife, romantic hallmark tv shows, favorite music, and little things that make her happy.
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I know exactly how you feel. I too, have an elderly parent whose mind is sharp but mobility skills are challenged and I need a live-in caregiver for her. She is a retired school teacher and widow. Both me and my sibling live out of town and my father is deceased. I called HeRemedy LLC---they have "Confidantes" that you can talk with who are very professional and always willing to listen.
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