
I sick and tied of the fighting! I find out today I'm going to need to be there in court in Virginia Monday morning. I thought the attorney was appearing for me on my behalf. She said she thought she made it clear. The weather got bad she wouldn't return my phone calls and never mentioned are you still driving the weathers bad or where would you like me to pick you up for court? This is total Bull **** I'm so sick of the medical community, attorneys and greedy freaking Killer Ants who reminded me they are getting the house, and parents who don't want my help. I had a melt down on the attorney asking her these questions I told her I'm not driving up there with snow and ice. I don't know what to do, postpone the hearing how long will that take? GEEZZZZ I hate my life, I hate every time I turn around somebody somewhere is telling me I'm not doing enough or whatever else. VENTING!!!!!

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Thanks PS, this is going to be very expensive for my folks and they really don't have the money to pay attorneys and assisted living for both. I thought I could help say money if I were conservator. But really after everything that's happened to me in the past 5 months don't think I can do this anymore, I can hardly cope from day to day. I have little faith in the courts, but I don't have a choice since my folks wouldn't let me help them years ago make a plan. You seem to be very organized and calm I admire that about you and your input. So if I handed over conservatorship will I be able to go back and get my personal items from my parents house, or pictures anything like that? I just don't trust anyone after what I've been through with attorney's in that state.
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A court appointed Guardian can only act within the law for the good of the client. Financial reports have to be filed with the court, and you can ask to see them or ask for an independent audit. In some cases, two people are appointed, one for Health Care and one for Financial. In my sister's case I have both. Since she only has SSDI for income, I agreed that her group home is the representative payee. That leaves me with her health care/medications, and it does take some knowledge and training to coordinate.
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What about conservator over their finances, PS, this attorney will be able to do whatever she wants, create new trust. I really feel stupid that I didn't realize I was expected to me in court. I don't want to be sole guardian or conservator, but, how will I know what this attorney is doing with their money?
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If you take on Guardian, you will have to run up there every time there is an emergency and you are expected to attend MD appointments. Let the Judge appoint a local Guardian.
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