
I am POA and beneficiary to my mother's life insurance policy. It currently has a cash value of about $6500.00. The death benefit is a little over 7K. (I am her only child).

She doesn't have any savings...just what's in her checking acct every month from Social Security and a pension from her former employer.

She owns a mobile home that has no value. In fact, apparently, if we can't sell it, she will have to pay to have it removed. She has no other assets. She rents the property on which the mobile home sits.

I am looking into a state run nursing home facility for her. It is my understanding that Medicare and Medicade will kick in. I also understand that they will take the life insurance policy which I am trying to avoid since she has nothing else.

I called the insurance company and they said as POA, I can request information on how to disperse the funds prior to her death. I just sent them a letter and I am awaiting a response. But I am also looking for other people's experiences with this matter. Thank you in advance.

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If she applies forMedicaid, she will have to cash in the policy and use the money to pay for her care. Medicare does not pay fir nursing home care.
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You will have to cash in the policy, then as spend down prepay death expenses, burial, cremation, whatever. Does she need new glasses? Just make sure you spend it on her. You could even use it to remove that mobile home.
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Thank you for confirming the info. However, Medicare will pay for her nursing home care. It's a state facility. I just took a tour and met with them the other day...they gave me the details regarding both Medicare and Medicaid.
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