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Sounds like your mom doesn't want much to do with 'those people' and wants YOU to pick her up and whisk her around to the mall, to Walmart, out to eat at restaurants, visiting friends and relatives. Nothing wrong with that, if she has the energy, god bless her! How long has she been in this AL facility? If fairly recent, it may take a little time to get used to communal living, and waiting her turn, being patient, and going along to getting along. (She may not like getting on a senior citizen bus trip to the grocery store, to the mall, to a diner because she wants to go RIGHT NOW without 'all those pokey women' getting in the way).
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If she's more active than her neighbors then why isn't she finding activities on her own? You don't give any information as to what activities she has access to now that are unsatisfactory. And you don't give any information as to what your mother likes to do that her AL doesn't already offer. Is it possible that your mom is telling you she's bored so that you'll visit her?
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my mom is more active than the individuals @ the facility and says she is bored.
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Get the monthly calendar for the facility. Most have morning afternoon and evening activities listed.
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