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We need to be able to make edits and also delete comments entirely.

I made a comment this morning and after I read it "on the big screen," I realized I'd left out one critical word in the topic sentence. The rest of the post is confusing without it. It's hard to write cohesively in these tiny boxes.

I'm also sure there are others who have posted comments to others' questions they wish they could delete completely instead of leaving them floating in cyberspace forever. The conversations here are HIGHLY sensitive and often evoke great emotion, sometimes impulsive and negative. For that reason alone, we should be able to edit or delete.
Helpful Answer (7)

This is a completely legit site.

Running a site like this is expensive. AgingCare accepts advertising to pay for this, and, I suppose, to make a profit. No user of the site is required to even read the ads, let alone purchase something.

Anyone who feels suckered in should certainly apply for their registrations fee back -- oh wait, the site is free, isn't it? Well, then, anyone who feels suckered in can just leave.

I'd like to see a feature that allows edits, at least within a certain time of posting. I have said as much in surveys. There are other features I'd like, too. But I can't see the lack of the features I'd like as evidence of lack of integrity!

I've done a search on founder Joe Buckheit, and I certainly didn't uncover anything sinister or shady. He is a businessman. That works for me.

If this site is not meeting your needs, whether it is run by a business or a non-profit organization, then certainly you should find a site that suits you better.

(By the way some of my favorite recipe sites are offered by for-profit businesses. What I care about is the quality of the recipes, not how the site is paid for or if they make a profit.)
Helpful Answer (3)

FaceBook is free but it's bombarded with advertisements. They have even admitted that nothing is private - even if you want privacy. They sell your private info to these advertising companies. That's how FaceBook makes a profit. Yet, people still flock to FB and post everything in their lives. I once applied for emails from the Alzheimer site. I got fed up when almost every email from them was solicitations. So, I unsubscribed. At least Agingcare is Not sending those kinds of email to me. And yes, I will admit that those advertisements irritate me since I keep accidentally opening it when I'm using my finger to scroll up to the top page. But, that's their income. Just like radio shows have advertisements in between the show breaks. Those advertisements keep that radio show alive and running on the air. It's the reality of life.

I have asked only one time since I've been posting here for close to 2 years (?) for the AC admin to please delete my post. I included a copy of the site (top page" Actually, I sent several emails to them in a panic - it was a long holiday weekend. They did follow through and deleted my post.
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If I even scroll over the "submit" button, my unedited version is posted. Grrrrr.
Helpful Answer (2)

We've asked the moderators for this and that such a feature will be available at some point...
Helpful Answer (2)

I agree with you debmath. I have written comments while not in the best of moods and sorry I said what I said..It sure would have been nice if I could delete..
Helpful Answer (2)

What everyone else said. I'd like the option to delete/edit myself...
Helpful Answer (2)

We should have the option of editing or deleting post. I hope this feature will be added soon.
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I left personal info in an answer, tried to go back & delete or edit it out & couldn't.
There was another question that raised some painful memories buried for years with my own family. I really think my time has come to leave aging care. I did think it was a good site for these kinds of things but when you can't edit words here & there it is dangerous.
Helpful Answer (2)

I have actually looked for a delete button because I have made a comment here and there that I would like to remove and I can't find a way .. they should change that.
Helpful Answer (1)

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