
I am not currently a medicaid recipient but in the event that I would need to go into a nursing facility, I was wondering if Medicaid would have any claim on the death benefit of the life insurance policy owned by my daughter?

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Hi Maria,

I'm not sure but I would contact Medicaid directly for assistance on this question.
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It partly depends on who paid the premium(s) and how recently. For example, a large lump sum premium paid just before you apply for Mediciad is a problem.
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If your daughter owns the policy, then it is not your asset and would not be considered by Medicaid when you apply or during recovery. The only consideration would be if she made all the payments during the last 5 years and would continue to make payments while you are on Medicaid. If you made any of the payments, then they may consider that like a gift to your daughter. If she made all the payments, no problems. It is hers.
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