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These documents usually are on file in medical records wherever the patient goes. I do know that my bro, when he resigned as POA, had to sign papers resigning this duty for the Fiduciary in charge of care for his ex. The Fiduciary then became POA. I would inform the Sister by letter and tell her that arrangements must be made for a replacement POA for this person, and that you can no longer serve. There may be rules specific to your State. Use your computer search engine to look up "Resigning as POA for Health Care in State of _____________".
Glad you recognize when this is no longer possible for you to do, and will take care of informing everyone. Best way forward now is to write the POA for this person that you need to resign as POA for health care.
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I suggest that you tell the person as soon as possible.
I would also send a letter to both the POA as well as the lawyer that was used when the documents were drawn up. (If a lawyer was used)
If you are on any medical records I would also inform any medical personnel that you have had contact with. (this would be to prevent any HIPAA violations since would should no longer have any information about this person.)
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