
My elderly mother is in the hospital. My sister has Power of Attorney for Health Care and has directed the staff not to let me see my mother.

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My brother doesn't care for my mum, he controls her. Now he has power of attorney I guess he'll be worse. I'm no allowed to take her out in her wheel chair, he says 101 things could go wrong. I know she just goes along with him to keep the peace.
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Absolutely not. It's against the patient bill of rights whether or not she is competent. No one can stop you from seeing your mom! Period
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Yes, your sister can, and the hospital will not go against her wishes. I had this happen to me with four siblings who controlled our mother and prevented me from visiting her in the nursing home.
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My brother has POA, but my mom lives with me. He seems to think that he has control of everything, including her monthly social security checks. The thing is, I take care of her every day and night and he doesn't even come to see her. It seems to me like he is waiting for her to die. Then to top it all off, my mom has severe Alzheimer's and he wants me to believe that my mom granted him POA. She was declared legally incompetent two years ago. So does he POA mean anything?
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Interesting that we've had this question before...just recently.

If your mom is capable of speaking for herself, someone holding a HCPOA cannot stop you from seeing mom.
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I happen to be my mother's healthcare proxy. It was executed and in force as she has vascular dementia and is incapable of making decisions on her own due to the desease. My brother has POA. We are currently not allowing our other brother access to her as we found out that he financially abused her, was living with her until her health started to fail at which time he moved to another state with her vehicle that he had her put in his name.

He would return monthly when her SS came in and took a portion of it for his needs. All is documented. This is not however why we decided to keep him away. My brother has a violent nature, and severe self control issues. He has two outstanding warrants now and another case pending in court. He is unaware that we know this. We have on several occasions tried to explain to him our mothers condition which only results in him erupting in rage making false accusations. I believe in this is in part because he understands that the money is no longer at his disposal.

I feel that because of his personality flaws that he would be detrimental to my mother's health and let's be truthful the safety of the other patients and staff at the NH. The last thing she needs is him getting her riled or causing s problem at her residence so that they say they canno longer care for her. My job as health care proxy is to take care of her and make the best possible choices I can for her well being and that is exactly what I am doing.
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I would also like to add that is the NH accepts Medicaid it is an open facility meaning the can not exclude people from coming unless there is an RO in tact.
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Its bad enough that the nurses/aides have plenty to do then to add on top of that to try to "monitor" people coming and going to keep someone from visiting their loved one. Unless there was proof of danger to your mother, maybe you need to have a mediator sit down with both you and your sister to see what the issue is and see what can be resolved. You might want to ask the NH to schedule a meeting with your sister and then you be there also to go over the issues. But I know they also don't have time to get in between any personal arguments that might be happening. Maybe a priest or other religious person can help resolve some issues. Good luck
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There are medical POAs which are strictly for health care decisions, durable POAs for property, and Guardianship. Important to note a medical POA is limited to health care decisions only and should be in accordance with what your mother has expressed her wishes are especially if she has an advance directive for health care (i.e., types of medical interventions she does/does not want). Unless there is a restraining order to not see your mom or you are a health risk to her, no reason hospital staff can or should keep you away. Also good advice to try to work out whatever the reason is she's trying to keep you away or you may find your sister limits access even more when your mom is discharged. Also, agree, it's not fair to the health care workers to be in the middle. Make sure your visits/topics don't cause any distress that would increase heart rate, blood pressure, etc. especially if your mom is very medically fragile.
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FYI my mother BP range is 250+/100, trying to get it under control, couple that with dementia, and perhaps that helps to explain why we are concerned. She really can not handle the chaos, it just may very well kill her.
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