
The rehab place is up in arms because Mark would need to be in another month before his nephew could move him. They are threatening Robert, the nephew with fraud since Mark gave all his check to build a room for him at his home. I refuse to budge knowing all of this is their tactics to get me to take him back into care and I will not. A bedridden man cannot live alone and would be homeless since I am moving. Can the nephew be charged with fraud. We have no assets. The rehab and hospital are covered by Medicare,

That IS fraud if Mark gave away his money and nephew took it. That money is owed TO and FOR his care.
This has nothing to do with you. Does it?
This has no connection to you now, does it? Because IF IT DOES, and you are not proceeding with your divorce, then you may all share a cell together, and there will be no service dogs in it.

Did not your divorce go through? If not, it soon will. Tell them you are in the process of divorce and you are NOT responsible. If you have not yet resigned your POA do it NOW before you get in trouble behind these two and their ineptness.

I really think you need to tell them you are divorcing, there are no assets, and this all has ZERO TO DO WITH YOU.

I doubt VERY much that all of Mark's costs have been covered Doggie Mom. This is too long and too ongoing.
The thing you need to do is tell all that you are divorced.

And if you are NOT divorced now, then that is step one.

Mark giving his money to this nephew will never fly. He will never get on Medicaid. This is a total mess and you need to step CLEAR OF IT.
Helpful Answer (4)
Reply to AlvaDeer
DoggieMom86 Apr 30, 2024
I don’t have POA so I am not responsible for his decision. Mark gave his debit card to his nephew and changed password to lock me out so I cannot access his account. I have a different account in my name only. I have told each place he has been he is an unsafe discharge and I cannot care for him.
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I honestly am getting a rather cold attitude in most ways a I kind of knew this was going to go down. I have nothing to do with it and that was one reason I did not touch that money. Too much toxicity for me.
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Reply to DoggieMom86

The divorce is in the works. It takes sixty days here so it will be a bit before it is final.
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Reply to DoggieMom86
AlvaDeer Apr 30, 2024
Fine. Tell them it is in the works and to stop telling you about ANY OF THIS. It's over. Done. This isn't your business or your problem. You have surely learned where all of this led you and will lead. Let it not be your problem any more. No one is going to prosecute Mark. He is too ill. As to the nephew he is too dumb and likely NEEDS to be prosecuted. As to you, you are out and on your way now. Do not turn back. Do not engage. Tell them to remove you from the call list.
To release Mark would be unsafe. So, you cannot be made to care for him. Soon, u will not be his wife. When it comes down to it, the State can take over Marks care.

And its not the rehab but Medicaid that does not like that Mark gave money to nephew. Even though the room is for Mark, its considered a gift because the nephew will get the profit when he sells the house. It has nothing to do with Medicare. Neither Mark nor nephew probably realized that this could not be done within 5 yrs of needing Medicaid. Nephew needs to pay it back or pay for Uncles care. He needs to talk to a Medicaid caseworker about how the penalty works.
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Reply to JoAnn29
DoggieMom86 May 1, 2024
Thank you JoAnn, I told Robert when he asked about this plan to not do it as the money needs to stay where it is, but Mark can still make his own decisions. I told Robert to contact an attorney in his area who specializes in this area, probably an elder care attorney.
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