
Last time asked about personal information about finances what are they trying to do seize all assets and house for state? Brother disabled and living in mom's home 30 years.

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I don't understand your question. Can you give us more information? Whose blood pressure are they checking? Who's on Medicare brother or mom or both? Do you mean Medicaid? How old are brother and mom?
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Mother(80) on Medicare, Brother(58) on Medicare due to disabilty.
Person out to check Mother's blood pressure (I'm at Mom's 24/7 helping take care of her - they should check MY blood pressure).
Why does the 'Nurse' need to know about my Mom's and Brother's finances?
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Nurse does not need to know about finances. Perhaps he or she is thinking that Mom could be on Medicaid, too. It may be just a friendly interest. BUT this is not the job of the nurse. If it comes up again, ask directly, "Why are you asking about finances?"
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