
My mom was in a nursing home and was doing fine but with the insistence of family wanting her back home I decided to bring her home with an aide and things have gotten worst she hits the aide runs away is not eating. What can I do before someone comes and takes mom away?

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Is she on meds for anxiety and agitation ?

Even after a year at her facility my mom only lets certain aides help her and if I'm around she won't even let her favorite aid help telling her she doesn't want her only me

When she was at home she would run outside and scream for the neighbors to call the police which they did and mom went shuffling back inside locking the aide out - this lasted until she fell twice outside
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Well this is the thing I took her to a neurologist and they prescribed something but my brother has given me a hell of a time and doesn't want her taking anything so I am at my wits end
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Sunshine, who is in Charge?

Who is mom's medical Poa? Who is her Caregiver? Those roles should be held by the same person. It should be the person who knows about mom's medical conditions, her wishes and understands dementia. It should also be a person who can tell idiotic family members to bug off.

Your mother needs three shifts of young, trained, rested caregivers. She needs to be someplace where a geriatric specialist can prescribe meds for the anxiety, agitation and other psychiatric symptoms that accompany dementia. What your mother does she not need are a bunch of spectators from the peanut gallery giving uninformed opinions.

Talked to your mom's doctor about what level of care she needs and what psychiatric meds would be beneficial. Do what's right for MOM!
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Thanks BarbBrooklyn
I'm working on everything your answer was very helpful, you are so right
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