
My mom is in an assisted living facility and is on Medicaid. With this new Medicaid private providers she selected a provider. The facility opted not to go with the provider she selected so they switched her to the provider they were dealing with. Can the facility legally switch her to a different provider without her permission or the permission of her power of attorney? We would probably have gone with the suggestion of the faciltiy anyway but I can't see that she could be switched without her permission.

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Curious53, are talking about the pharmacy? If so, my Dad upon arriving at IL/AL signed a paper saying that if he needs the optional care of medicine management, then he would need to use the outside pharmacy that the complex uses, and not the one he had privately chosen.
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Are you talking about Medicaid or Medicare? My cousin has both and Medicaid covers what Medicare does not cover. Her only input was a Supplemental on medication costs. She picked Silver Script and that has continued since her enrollment. I guess I don't understand your question.
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Check the admission documents to see if the AL facility provided for the authority to do this. If it's included in the admission documents and they're signed by you or someone in your family, then it does have that option.
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