
My mom , 91, is in asst living. I went to visit her yesterday and she was sleeping on her rocker. I talked to her and it took her about 40 minutes to wake up. Tonight I called her on the telephone about 3 times and let the phone rang many times. Phone next to her bed. She did not wake up till a caregiver went to her room on my request. My mom does not have hearing problem nor she is taking new meds. Is this normal not to wake up when somebody talks or phone rings? Or is she becoming comatose?

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She is old and tired, the older they get, the more they sleep. Each night my Mom sleeps about 14 hours, and during the day when she is home will sleep another couple of hours. She goes to a day program through the week, will not nap there, but wears her out and sleeps at night very well most of the time.
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She's 91! My dad will be 90 this month and he is basically the same way. I don't call the house until it is the time he usually is gotten up before eating.

You might want to have a doctor check her out, but it's probably just being 91. Is the ASL place comfortable with her being like this or does she need another level of care?
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Is there an RN at her memory care facility? I would ask that she be checked out by the nurse regarding your concerns about your mom's altered mental status. Let them advise if a urine test to check for uti or visit from the facility doctor is appropriate.
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Sildharma, my parents are in their 90's and I always find them napping whenever I go over to their house.... I could have my vehicle unloaded of all their groceries before they even realize I am there, even with me calling out HELLO numerous times. I don't want to touch them as that can be starling to someone who is sleeping.

Even though you say your mother doesn't have a hearing problem, I wonder if she has less hearing in one ear compared to another, thus if she is lying down on the bed on her side, her good ear could be on the pillow... thus she can't hear anyone nor the telephone ring.

So, just chalk it up to being in her 90's.
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