
I had to make the terribly sad, but NOT difficult decision to place my 91 year old precious mom in a long term care facility.
After 7 falls, two compression vertebrae fractures (one needing surgery), a rib fracture, and much organ bruising all within 1 year (the most recent 2 weeks ago) she is now in need of 24/7 care and assistance. She is also in heart failure, so Hospice will be the next step fairly soon I think.

I was fortunate to find a clean and cozy facility near me. Visiting often will be easy.

She of course is sad, scared, and quite angry with me and my brother right now. It hurts us but that’s will pass. We love her to pieces anyway. She’s our mom ❤️.

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Hospice can care for a dying loved one at home. Is that an option for your mom?
My father was diagnosed with congestive heart failure in October 2015. He passed on his 97th birthday February 2016
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CaregiverL Apr 2022
Probably too difficult to care for her at home …& she falls often & with too many ailments to provide care for at home
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Shayze- You are doing the right thing for your mother even if she doesn't think so. If your mother is 91, you're no spring chicken yourself. Of course, she is sad and scared of the unknown, but after she gets used to the staff, hopefully she will accept and feel better about being there.
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You have made the right decision for your mom, and now you and your brother can just get back to being her children and advocates.
She will adjust as will you. I would recommend bringing hospice on board as soon as she gets settled in her new home, as many wait too long to seek their services. The nice thing with having hospice involved when someone is in a facility is that you will extra sets of eyes on her and they will respond accordingly. Remember too that all supplies, equipment, and medications from hospice are all covered 100% under moms Medicare. They will also have a nurse come check on her once a week, aides to come bathe her at least twice a week, and they have volunteers that can come visit with your mom, along with a social worker and chaplain for you too.
I pray everything goes smoothly with placing her in her new home. God bless you.
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Care at home is NOT an option or you would not have made the decision you did. Managed care is the right decision for many, many elders and for those who think in-home care is the only 'right' option, think again. It often takes TEAMS of people working 24/7 to care for an elder with a ton of issues, which is impossible in a home setting. Not that you have to justify your decision to us here on the forum, or to anyone else anywhere. You are doing the right thing, and the safest thing for your mother, who is in good hands now.

She's likely to acclimate in short order, so be sure to visit often and bring her small gifts and snacks when you go. It's nice you'll get to be her daughter and advocate now, instead of the stressed out and worried caregiver. Best of luck and peace to you!
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