
My mother insisted that because her bath water was cold she needed a new water heater. I called the plumber who had been at our home before. When he was there before he fixed two of three toilets. It seemed the heater problem was not a plumbing issue but a mother issue. My mom told him to replace the heater then began to insult him. I told her to stop but she continued. As he left she refused to pay him for the visit. I sent an email apology to the plumbing company. What in the world happened here? Is this dementia?

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Sudden?maybe she has a urinary tract infection.
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I might look at whether there was any hot water. If not, then she had a valid request. If there was hot water, but she didn't know how to turn the hot water on, then I would explore her change in status. I would take note of how she's functioning in other areas.

Dementia can show up in small ways that we don't recognize at first. Some are as simple as placing trash in odd places or lying about things. Personalities may change as well and they become hostile or withdrawn. I might check these things out before she has access to large sums of money, just in case.
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Well, maybe she got the water handles mixed up or maybe she was having a bad day. At age 92, it's amazing that she could manage her own bath. If that's the only thing she's done that is odd, then I wouldn't fret. I would just watch to make sure she's safe. If she isn't doing things that make it unsafe, then I wouldn't worry about it. At that age, I would certainly expect much more decline. I wish you both the best.
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I am assuming he checked the faucets that feed the bathtub in her bathroom. Maybe there is a problem only in that location. Maybe the water heater needs to have the temperature control changed to a warmer setting. Maybe she ran cold water at the same time as hot and thought that the water was too cold.

For a while, why don't you run her water for her and see for yourself whether or not there is an issue. Use a thermometer to check the temperature.
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One event isn't an indication of dementia, although I'd probably start keeping careful track of her behavior.

I'm more curious about YOUR behavior, frankly. The guy must have thought he'd bought a ticket to the loony bin.
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In her mind she doesn't understand why she didn't have hot water, became frustrated and took it out on the plumber. He was just the convenient target of her frustration, not that it's excusable, but it is understandable.

My question is how long was she sitting in that cold water getting chilled before she began complaining? Perhaps she was so chilled she became angry and even more frustrated.
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Neither the plumber or I found an issue with the water heater. I took a bath and found it to be very warm. It was suggested she run water longer. Her insults were so hurtful though, we needed to end the appointment. Mother has been able to care for herself even as she approaches age 92. She has experienced cold water she says, but I have not. I was just wondering if this is a sign of a decline. It was so shocking.
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I'm wondering if she just didn't want to take a bath in the first place and channeled her displeasure into the issue of cold water.
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Is it a single handle faucet that with a turn the temp changes? Ot the older variety of two handles, one hot and one cold? If single handle, maybe she isn't turning enough hot water. If two handles, maybe the hot is difficult for her to turn? On that note, older fixtures break and become difficult to turn. I had it happen to me one morning getting ready to take a shower. One of the faucets was very difficult to turn, I kept trying, imagine my surprise when it finally did and broke completely, coming out of the wall. And when that happens, water absolutely gushes out, had a mini old faithful coming out of a wall! LOL! Can laugh about it now. But, I couldn't find the water shutoff, ended up having to call 911 to come turn it off. And a benefit to hearing aids? You can have five firefighters in and out of the house, up and down the stairs without waking some of the elderly! Shocking!
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Maybe the water is not hot just course your old don't make you crazy mine only gives me enough for a hot shallow bath I like a deep hot bath I need a bigger hhot water tank or elctic on demand one hot water runs out then I get cold he should tell her the price for his work get her a big tank and run my mom you or old would yell at bad workers you pay for good work you should get it my mom said she was too old to put up with stupid people and she yelled because she could I'd say your mom is a real fun person real if a job is not done right then get rid of the boob true she has no pasints but dementia na just mean like me
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