
I have worked in the care field my whole life; from Infants to Elders. I have had nothing but rave reviews.
My mom was a mother who struggled to take care of any of her kids and I have let that go.
I brought her down for a visit to show her some beauty, laugh with her and give her a change of scenery. While here she was claiming I lie to her, I steal from her, and I am not worthy of the wage I earn because I don't do my job.
When I would try and rationalize her comments she would become more upset and say more hurtful things. I had to step away from the situation. Even when I would try and make up she was nasty.
What the hell should I do???

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I think you need to step back.
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You should work to let go of the past. You should enjoy life now. You should protect your own well being. You should never defend or explain yourself another time to your mother. You should never discuss anything that will bring about a negative comment. If there are only rude comments to be had, after talking about the weather and other inane topics you should go or get off the phone. You should realize you’re valued in your job, no matter what mom says. I wish you peace
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Your mother jealous of your success and is trying to make you hurt, as she must hurt.

Feel sorry for her and protect yourself from her.

Don't look for validation from her; that's what it sounds like you were doing.
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“Fish and visitors start to smell after three days.” If it hasn’t been three days yet, your “fish” might have been a little off to begin with.

This doesn’t sound like a guest you should invite for another visit.

PeggySue is right. Step back. Help from a distance if you feel that is the right thing to do, but don’t subject yourself to verbal abuse.
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Is mom the 'someone' you are caring for here, in your profile:

"I am caring for someone, living at home with alzheimer's / dementia, incontinence, mobility problems, and sleep disorder."

Because if it is, and she has Alzheimers/dementia, THIS is why she is accusing you of lying and stealing from her and saying all these nasty things. Because her brain isn't working properly anymore, and such behavior is typical, unfortunately.

If you have been working in the care field your whole life with rave reviews, then you should know about dementia and how it presents with elders who are diagnosed with it. Knowing and dealing with such things up close & personal are two different matters, however.

If your mom is traumatizing you with her nasty behavior, pack her up and send her back home. You tried to show her some beauty, laugh with her and give her a change of scenery. It didn't work. Now it's time to get back to your life, and for mom to get back to hers.

Hopefully she has help at home and doesn't live alone?

In any event, wishing you good luck ending this unpleasant visit with mom asap.
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I don't know why you would want much to do with this dear lady, myself. I would make a few calls a month and that's that. We have two chances at family: the one we are born to and the one we make for ourselves. Get on with your life and have minimal contact with this woman, and whatever you do, do not EVER even for a moment take her into your home or be guilted by her. She is absolutely not worth it.
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