
She is 103. I understand.

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It's quite normal when one is 103. How can you possibly be that naive? Others will give you wonderful, thoughful detailed answers. Me? I think you're putting us on.
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103 is remarkable. I imagine things slip her mind a good bit. The words are probably still stored in there, but they can be harder to access on demand. It's like the pathways to the areas of the brain needed get a little more hazy -- wrong turns here and there. It's nothing to worry about when someone is 103.
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Oh my gosh, 103, that is awesome. Imagine all the new things your Mom got to experience that we all take for granted.... such as new inventions such as indoor plumbing, central heating, central air condition, zippers, bottle caps....

thumbtacks, hearing aids, radios, TV's, electric washing machines, commercial airplanes, pop-up toaster, nylons, sunglasses, etc.
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for my dad every meal is a new adventure! He used to love soft shelled crab sandwiches.. I call them spiders on a bun. Mom got him one not long ago.. he was pretty perplexed..... but he ate it. And then said " I don;t think I want that again".. we were rolling!! now we stick to every day "normal" food like fish and chicken, which we cut up for him! It's not a problem
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On the mom 103 sometime can't remember her foods, listen this is new for me she not long ago remembered all her food, until about a year.
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Thanks so much, I am so use to her just on point, she has only been staying with me for 5 month, glad I don't have to worry
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