
I think Mom may have had a mini-stroke. What, if anything can be done? She seems Ok now.

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TIAs are an indication that something is seriously wrong. Often a series of TIAs can precede a major stroke so she should be evaluated immediately. Also be aware that there is a cumulative effect to small vascular events that eventually can lead to vascular dementia. She should be under the care of a neurologist that specializes in stroke prevention and VaD.
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Adding to CWillie's advice:

1. Once the TIA has occurred, there's generally nothing that can be done for that particular TIA because it's past and over with, but the proactive approach is to get medical advice so that tests can be done in an attempt to identify if anything else is amiss or if there are medical issues that could cause another TIA or major stroke.

2. A cardiologist can be of assistance as well in ordering the various tests that could indicate issues, such as checking status of the carotid artery. That was the route we took.

3. A neurologist is a also a necessary participant. I used to get copies of my records after an ER visit, and one indicated that I had had a stroke. Panicked, I saw a neurologist, got an MRI and learned that no stroke had occurred. It was either an error in records transcription or a misinterpretation by someone who treated me at the ER.

So do follow up on this to find out to the extent possible exactly what happened.

4. In the meantime, are you with your mother 24/7? If not, does she have a medical pendant or device that alerts the monitoring company if her position changes? It's a good idea to have one whether she has TIAs or not.

5. Read up online at one of the respected medical sites such as Mayo or Cleveland Clinic to identify the signs of a TIA so if it happens again you can be prepared.

6. Since you're her caregiver, I assume you also have a list of meds, history, current and past conditions, contact information for backup relatives or friends, treating physicians, etc., that you could bring with you to the ER if necessary. I usually keep my medical notebooks in the car with me, or at least handy so I can just grab them when an emergency occurs.

7. There's another condition which doesn't necessarily mimic a TIA, but can happen and cause blackouts - it's called syncope. When these occurred preceding falls and fractured legs, I took my father to his cardiologist and neurologist for thorough tests, but no cause could be determined. At least we knew though that he had blacked out but the specific reason was unknown.
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No, I work during the day and yes, she does wear a pendant with fall detection.
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What makes you think she had a stroke? Have you spoken to her doctors about what to do next?
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We were in a Wendy's restaurant Sat. and 1/2 way through the meal she started to talk "nonsense. It was like she was trying to tell me something but she couldn't get the words together to make a sentence. Also the rh side of her face was drooping a little and she had saliva coming out the corner of her mouth.
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That sounds a lot like what happened with my mom. She and I were sitting together having a chat ans suddenly the words coming out of her mouth were just garbled sounds. She kept right on talking seemingly unaware, but it freaked me right out as I thought she was having a stroke right before my eyes. After many phone calls we ended up in the E.R., always better to be safe than sorry in my opinion!
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And you didn't take her to the ER? Let me guess, she didn't want to go.

Yes, it sounds like she had a stroke. She needs to get worked up, probably by neurology and cardio to prevent another one. So much easier to do this in the hospital. Call her pcp today and seek her/his guidance.

Just as a general piece of advice, you've now reached the point where your good judgement trumps your mom's sense of " I don't want to be a bother". When in doubt, call the doc or go to the ER.
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