
We can no longer afford the ALF where my mom is now so we are transferring her to another facility. I am considering trying to get an ambulance to do it because I'm afraid if I do it she will insist on me taking her home. I don't know what is best. Any suggestions?

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She may require ambulance transfer, but first things first. Is medicaid in place and is the new facility chosen? Has the current ALF any recommendations for you?
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Knowing nothing else about your situation, the general rule is to make the choices that are safest, most respectful, and least stressful to the patient, no matter what decision needs to be made.

If your mother NEEDS and BENEFITS from residential care, placing that responsibility in the hands of trained professionals sounds like the best way to go.

Keep in mind that most people “insist” on “going home”, no matter how inappropriate or sometimes meaningless the statement is when they make it.

Best of luck with her transfer.
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The Medicaid application is only good for 90 days in my State. My Mother was in an AL and had enough money for 2 months in SNF at $9600 a month. I started the Medicaid application in April. I placed Mom in a Longterm facility on May 1st. So she paid privately May and June. For the that period of time, I spent down her money and got Medicaid the paperwork needed. June I called the caseworker and confirmed he received everything needed. Moms Medicaid stated July 1st.

It will be hard to find a facility with "Medicaid pending". Private pay ing a couple or more months gets you in the door. I would first pick a facility you are interested in and talk to the Admissions office and see what u need to do to get Mom placed there.
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Anne, I am going to assume you've made the other arrangements and are just looking for transport information.

When we moved mom from rehab to AL, she tried to grab the steering wheel from my husband.

Get medical transport arranged.
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I would not use an ambulance, rather a medical transport company. It will be much more cost effective and less dramatic.
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You can arrange a Medical Transport no need for an ambulance.
You could also call a cab or ride share and tell her that you are just going out.
Easiest way to do this would be to have someone drop you off at the current facility then leave to go to the other. You have your transportation pick you up at a designated time that leave one facility and go to the next.
If mom uses a wheelchair the Medical Transport would be easier as they can latch down the wheelchair.

Another option if the other facility can arrange transportation to her new home that would be a great way to get her from point A to B. Many facilities have vans that will take residents for rides or to the store. If the new place is close by they might pick her up.
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