
..she did not have a will, I am an only child...she owned property in NC......which she leases to a cable company. Because of the rental income, she owes the IRS and state of NC every year. We were making payments to the IRS, and she has a balance of $1000. I was told by 2 different lawyers that I didn't need a will, as her sole heir everything (which is the property in NC) comes to me. I have no money left from her checking account to pay her remaining taxes from last year, nor this year's taxes. The rental income she was getting is now MY income as per her lease.

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This is complex, it would be best to talk to a CPA as what to do regarding the IRS.
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I'd speak with another NC attorney for advice. The real estate in her name, without a Will, normally vest with the surviving heir at her death, but, I'd get the details on how to handle it, as you will now be responsible for property taxes. The county will need an address to send the bills.

A CPA should be able to advise you on the IRS debt. I'd make sure to get it straight.

Oh, I'd also get a legal opinion on the lease Agreement with the cable company to see if it survives her death. 
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Per the lease, the rent does come to me...and I have an appointment with a lawyer next week. Thanks for the comments!
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