
I’ve seen the letter opener and Christmas ball-like items, bearing the charity’s name, on her table. She tells me a rep stops by her house with the items.

Mentioned this at my caregiver’s support group of 14. Got deer-in-the-headlight looks . . .

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Never heard of this. Stuff in the mail as small tokens of appreciation but never in person. I wouldn’t want to open the door to someone. Maybe I am being too careful. Just sounds a little strange. What do you think?
Helpful Answer (8)
Katsmihur Oct 2019
Obviously not safe to open door to a stranger, let alone let ‘em in. But she does. I’m told I worry too much and doesn’t want to hear my concerns about donating each month, saying it’s a good cause. When I continue the conversation, she gets aggravated, yelling or just shuts down - no talking about it.

Her casual approach to her own safety is maddening. Simple concepts that she understood and accepted in the past seem gone to the curb.
I wouldn't worry about it. Maybe they just appreciate her help. Not everything that we get for free is suspicious. As long as they stay outside her door and she doesn't invite them in. That might be considered weird. If they are a well known charity group you could contact them and make sure this is on the up and up.
Helpful Answer (4)
Katsmihur Oct 2019
Oh, rep(s) are inside the house, she reports, and is fine with it. I’ll be calling them for sure.
If it is a well-known and reputable charity, I should give them a friendly call, reassure them first that you have no desire to influence your mother's charitable impulses so they need not fear her contributions will cease, but remind them that there are codes of conduct about their relationships with elderly and vulnerable donors and you feel they are being overly intrusive. Occasional acknowledgements and thanks are fine, quarterly newsletters are fine, but cultivating the kind of committed relationship they're after - her Christmas decorations??? Sticking their brand on her desk??? - is not on, and visits to her home from fundraisers are bang out of order. They should back off.

If the well-known charity is not reputable, or rather has a reputation for strong-arming, I should find your mother a better one that addresses roughly the same aims.
Helpful Answer (11)
Katsmihur Oct 2019
Will call tomorrow to verify donor visits are their norm. If so, they will get an earful.
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Are you sure she's getting personal visits and that these things aren't being sent to her in the mail? Would she be a reliable reporter?

My mother got a lot of this junk. But it was all mailed to her.
Helpful Answer (6)
Katsmihur Oct 2019
Good thought. Haven’t seen evidence of delusion, but . . .
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I still get junk from a charity I haven't supported for years (this kind of waste was one of the reasons they were struck off my list). The visits from a rep do seem odd though, is it possible she has is eligible to receive benefits from this charity and these visits are part of that?
Helpful Answer (6)
Katsmihur Oct 2019
No, not possible, but appreciate the suggestion.
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My dad has received gifts in the mail, often from charities he doesn’t support, but because they buy each other’s mailing lists. I’ve not heard of any personal rep visits. Your profile says your mom lives alone, she shouldn’t be opening the door to what’s essentially a stranger, to anyone that’s not well known to her. That’s dangerous to any elderly person living alone. I’m not elderly yet and I don’t do it! Teach mom to use a peephole or other means to verify who’s at the door, have a frank talk about the same stranger danger we teach our children, and try to convince her she doesn’t know whoever this might be
Helpful Answer (5)

MIL gets tons of these things through the mail, but never had anyone come in person. That does strike me as odd. Could she be mixed up or saying it was a visit, but it really was just something through the mail?

You definitely have a weird situation here.
Helpful Answer (10)

Is she giving cash to the rep? I would be concerned that this person is not actually accepting donations for the charity but for themselves.

I would install a camera that allows you to monitor who comes to the door. You wouldn't even have to tell mom and since it's only at the door it doesn't invade her privacy.

I have never received any gifts other then mailing labels, so I can not imagine how that works.

Oh, if she is doing a long form return and the charity is sending her the paperwork to prove her tax deductible contributions, I would take a good look and ensure that these gifts are not lowering the amount of her charitable contributions. A well known tv and radio station offers free gifts for donating during their begathon and the free gifts come right off the top of your donation. How they get away with that fraud is beyond me. Worth checking out if she is using them as tax offsets.

I would be making some calls to ensure that she is not being taken advantage of by someone, whether it is an employee, rep or ?

Does she enjoy the visits?
Helpful Answer (5)

I could write a book on my battle with my mother and her giving money to “charity” - I’m know many were worthwhile causes but some were just nuts - the pig sanctuary for one - any many were upright bogus. Anyhooo -

By the time my mother passed away she had boxes and boxes of greeting cards, wrapping paper, little cheap blankets, dream catchers, note pads, Tibetan prayer flags - and much, much more. But over the three or so years that this was an issue - never, ever, did anyone show up to her apartment in person.

Id be pretty worried, if I were you. See if you can find a way to get your mom to set an appointment with this person - then make sure you’re there to have a little chat with them. Let them know you’ll involve the police if they don’t stop coming around.
Helpful Answer (10)
NeedHelpWithMom Oct 2019
Pigs? Wow! That’s crazy.
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My father would get little "gifts" (bribes, in reality) as tokens either of past donations or inducements for future donations.   Part of this practice is I think "guilting" the recipient into donating.   And the "gifts" typically are either branded or related to the charity's alleged purpose.                                       

No one has ever come in person to deliver "gifts."   The thought of that raises my alert sense to high; this is totally inappropriate IMHO.

Does the same person come each time?   Is any acknowledgment provided with the "gift"?    And does your mother give her donations to this individual, or does she mail them?  If she gives a check to the person, I'd contact her bank and ask who has endorsed the checks.    This sounds like a scam. 

I'm wondering though if your mother still receives requests through the mail, of documentation and acknowledgment of her donations and well as pleas for more donations.

As others have advised, I would call the charity ASAP and raise the issue; it wouldn't surprise me if they're unaware of this practice.  And if they haven't sanctioned it, the next call should be to the police, to alert them.  It may be that this scammer is scouting out houses to burglarize, or whatever.

Since your posted this in the Frauds & Scams section, I think you already are wondering the same thing.

I have a "NO SOLICITING" sign on my door, listing in part the kinds of solicitors who are unwelcome:   That includes salespeople for windows, construction, pizzas, religion, lawn service, magazines and more.  Two women once ignored that, brazenly pushing their cause.   

So I monitored them; they rested for a while in a car parked across the street.  I had an errand to run anyway, so I drove slowly past the car, jotted down the license plate number, then called the police on my cell phone and advised that there was a suspicious car that had been parked on the street for some time and asked that they check it out.
Helpful Answer (11)
disgustedtoo Oct 2019
Thankfully I have never really had many solicitations, either at my previous house or this one....with one exception. The bible pushers. Religion is fine for those who want/need it, and I am fine with people who believe, but going door to door to push this is, at least for me, wrong. Mail invites if you need to draw in more people, but stay off my lawn!!! I realize the face-to-face might seem more "personable", but how many times/ways can I say NO!?!?!?!

Even after telling them I am not interested, they would still occasionally show up AND try multiple ways to keep me tied up. UGH. I keep meaning to put a sign at the end of my long driveway to discourage them. Somehow I don't think this will stop them.

One time it almost ended in disaster - I was on my way out and opened the garage door via opener in the car - as I prepared to back out, they are DAMN lucky I happened to glance back, as they were parked RIGHT behind me!
Any chance your mother is not reporting this correctly? In other words, are people REALLY coming by her apartment to drop off gifts or is her mind playing games with her, perhaps? At the quarterly care meeting I had today at mom's memory care, I mentioned how hard it is for me to sort through the bull and the $hit she tells me these days.

Just a thought.
Helpful Answer (9)
Katsmihur Oct 2019
Absolutely could be a chance! Along with changes in her perception of reality, lack of self-awareness in social situations - yes, this definitely could be a possibility, from what I see. Scary situation as she’s in her home, by herself. Happy that your Mom is in MC and can be monitored.

Thanks for your answer - appreciate being validated and heard.
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This is very odd. I have come across a lot of scams, and I wonder if the caller has some way to get the little ‘gifts’ from the charity, its warehouse, employees etc. Then uses them to go and collect donations for the pocket. I think that’s more likely than checking out the house for burglary. Definitely check with the charity.
Helpful Answer (10)
Katsmihur Oct 2019
Your suggestion is scary and one I thought of right away upon learning of rep visits. Calling charity tomorrow. Thanks for your confirmation.
My mom likes to give to St Judes and I sent a small donation for her a few month ago. Since then she has been getting "gifts" from them every week. This does make me sort of angry,, these gifts and the postage are now more than I sent! I also sent a small amount to the Shriners.., so far no useless gifts from them! I know who we will donate to next year! But no person has ever shown up in person to get money.. this makes me nervous.. You say it is a well known charity.. give them a call
Helpful Answer (9)
Katsmihur Oct 2019
I will definitely give them a call tomorrow. She has given monthly for 2-3 years but hasn’t mentioned giving $ to rep showing up at the door. And she does not have $, but does have reverse mortgage. Ugh.
Pam, have you ever had the chance to do a background check on  St. Jude's?   I did, and it was quite interesting.   

I also find it interesting that there are now more charities advertising and soliciting participants for the $19/monthly plan.   If I had the time, I'd check to see if they all have the same Beltway Bandit fundraising company.  It's just TOO coincidental that they are all asking for a $19/month contribution.
Helpful Answer (8)
Katsmihur Oct 2019
How is a background check performed??
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Another one is a company enrolling them in a discount club where supposedly coupons for discounts can be used for future purchases if they order from their catalog. This was Blair Catalog several years back. They charged a certain amount per month on the credit card as a fee for this service. Watch out for that one too. They do it without consent. My mom had ordered a couple of blouses. Good thing she showed me the bill because it’s a recurring fee automatically added onto the credit card each month.

I had to call and cancel a discount club service that she had not ordered. I demanded a refund for the amount and threatened to contact BBB if I didn’t see the reimbursement. I got it. Looked up to see if they had complaints on them. There were tons of complaints. Guess who they scammed the most? Yep, the elderly. So sad. I suppose they are hoping it won’t be noticed on the credit card bill.

These scams are horrible.

The ‘gifts’ sound really strange. I wouldn’t trust that. That’s just too weird.

Yes, things sent in the mail such as calendars or return address labels after donating but not in person.

All these things are rackets. Ever notice if you sign up to win for something like winning a prize when attending a craft fair or the mall, then all of a sudden you get a ton of telephone solicitations. That’s why I don’t enter these ‘contest’ anymore.

But my friend entered a contest at Macy’s for a Mother’s Day prize to win a trip for four at Disney World and she won! She called it a miracle! She has two kids with autism and hadn’t been on a vacation in years. She’s a single mom. I was absolutely thrilled for her and her kids!

Many years ago I had an elderly neighbor woman open the door to anyone. She lived with her daughter and I told the daughter about it. Her daughter was at work all day. Once a guy asked if he could clean stains in the driveway. He rang my bell. I sent him away. He spoke to me through the door. He went next door to her house and yep, she flung open the door. It’s scary. I don’t trust people like that. He said he had chemicals in the backpack he was wearing and he would clean stains on the pavement. Who does that? That’s nuts! I kept thinking he could have a damn gun in his backpack.

It upset me when I looked out my window and saw my neighbor open her door and chat with him. She did send him away but there are odd people in this world.
Helpful Answer (7)
Katsmihur Oct 2019
Thanks NHWM. Agreed. There are MANY odd people in this world, willing to take advantage of easy targets and the elderly.

A couple years after Dad died, Mom chose a garage-door repair company from the yellow pages because it offered a senior discount. Not only was the installation done improperly (door doesn’t open all the way as motor bangs into another object), we’re sure some of Dad’s tools were lifted. Of course, Husb and I learned about this from Mom AFTER the ‘installation’. He’s in the trades and could have completed the work himself for $ZERO. I feel ‘senior discounts’ could be an entree for elderly scams, too.
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It’s amazing to me what gets sold these days. I wonder if the elderly ever call any of those psychics that are advertised on television. My friend’s elderly mom went to see the Long Island Medium in person more than once. Those tickets aren’t cheap. She swears by that woman. She insists on seeing her every time she comes to town.
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Katsmihur, I start with the entities that monitor the charities.  Charity Navigator is one; BBB is another.  But in a search last year or so I found information that there really are 2 entities operating under the St. Jude umbrella.   I can't locate the insightful data I found, through checking the charity monitors and online articles on the related organizations. 

Give me some time and I'll see if I can find my old research.   I found a few very good articles on allocation between the "sister" organizations.
Helpful Answer (6)
Katsmihur Oct 2019
Thank you for offering to look up your research - but no need to trouble you! I’ll try the two you mentioned.

I did get through on the 800 number this morning and they located Mom’s record of giving. Although they wouldn’t give details, the rep said that Mom had been visited by their Gift Planning rep. I said she DOES NOT have an IRA, stocks, or willed money. It could have been a visit to sign paperwork, the rep said.

With that, I asked for the regional office number and location - a bit over an hour drive from Mom. Called numerous times and there’s no answer or the ability to leave a message - and no identification of the number.

How about that?
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Katsimihur, uh oh.  This does not sound good.  "Gift Planning Rep" sounds to me like another name for someone soliciting a Legacy donation.   And "visit to sign paperwork"?    Right in line with someone seeking a Legacy donation.    These people are after your mother's money.  

And a "regional office" that doesn't answer its phone or have voice mail?   Another bad sign.  

This makes my blood boil! 

I assume  you searched on the number to back trace it?  And got no hits?  

It might be time to file a complaint with the BBB as well as the charity monitor I mentioned.  If I can remember the names of the others, I'll post them for you.

The IRS has a list of fake charities, or those who aren't legitimate 501(c)(3)s, or who/which have been subject to disciplinary action.    Several hits are similar, but there are a few different ones to check out.   If this so-called charity is on the list, and is still soliciting, the IRS would probably like to know about it.

ETA:  so they acknowledged she gave them money but wouldn't tell you the details?   A good charity would not EVEN acknowledge that someone gave money.    Another red flag.  

What are your next plans?   
Helpful Answer (9)
lealonnie1 Oct 2019
Great idea! And she should call the local television NEWS to come do a report about ELDER ABUSE under the guise of CHARITIES!!!
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Diamond, I’d like to ‘balance’ Mom’s checkbook, too, but can’t just take it from her. 10/30 appt. with PCP, if she goes, and hoping for a diagnosis at that time.
Helpful Answer (6)
MaryKathleen Oct 2019
Is there anyway you can start monitoring her account on - line? I do this with Hubby. He is not computer literate. I can't remember how I did this, you will need her account number, I can't remember what else. If it is done on-line who knows?

In my case Hubby gives to two "charities" which are on the up and up. A third one is bogus and if I can get the mail before he does, I shred the letter. He is adamant, that he is going to give to them because they are doing good work. Since he is not giving too much money, I let it slide. Sort of picking my battles and right now, this is not the hill I want to die on.
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I like the ideas of putting up a camera and also no solicitation. You might want to notify the police of a possible elder scam in the area. Sorry you’re going through this.
Helpful Answer (11)
Katsmihur Oct 2019
Great idea, but she won’t let my husband fix her outdoor light. There is no way she’ll agree to an outside camera installation.

10/30 PCP appointment, if Mom goes, hoping visit begins the path to a diagnosis.
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However she is getting these items, they are not gifts. These charities expect donations, every month and they will not leave her alone. Plus her info will most likely be given to other organizations. And it never ends. Find out who these charities are and call them. Tell them to leave your mother alone. And she is probably getting these "gifts" through the mail.
Helpful Answer (3)
Katsmihur Oct 2019
Mom gives monthly.

The Gift Planning rep is looking for a larger donation for sure. The charity has confirmed Gift Planner’s visit to Mom.

I have no doubt rep came bearing said gifts.
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Mom won't allow installation of a camera? Or allow replacement of a light? Sometimes we just have to do what we know will help keep them safe. Take mom out for the day, lunch and movie and have that handy hubby of yours take care of the light and install a camera. Mom probably won't even notice.
Helpful Answer (11)
Psyclinz Oct 2019
Great comment! Oh how I wish I had done this with my own parents... "just do it", it's not disrespecting them, it's absolutely the opposite. It's taking steps to ensure that these predators' disrespect of our elders is prevented!
Yes. I grew up with my grandparents. I remember seeing a small necklace as a little girl. When I asked her about it she said she had received from children's (I believe) charity she gave monthly to & showed me other items as well that she had gotten through the years. These were by mail, not in person because that is the only way she was in contact with them. Evidently this is STILL practiced as reflected in this article.
HOWEVER legit they may/may not be, I would check out any people who personally come around bearing gifts. The best cons/scams/lies are based in truth. I want to ADD she had given, to thischarity over a period of years, felt much satisfaction & was pleased with her little "gifts"... she got a lot of pleasure out of this & her donation she chose to give helped others
Helpful Answer (2)

Sixty years ago I recall my mother receiving "free gifts" from charities through the mail, hoping for a donation. The postman told her then that she had no obligation to donate to the charities or to return the gifts. Charities have changed in many ways since then and so have scams. However, door-to-door solicitations have pretty much stopped as many people will not open their doors to strangers.

My biggest concern is your mother (or anyone) opening the door to uninvited callers. We no longer live in a society where it is "safe" to trust that others are who they purport to be; there is no such thing anymore as a "safe neighborhood". They may operate under the guise of a charity, handyman, etc., but the real motive may be to "innocently" gather information about you, your family, your living circumstances, schedules, etc., in order to obtain data that could be used later to break into your home or for other nefarious purposes. It is risky for anyone, not just the elderly, to open the door to anyone they aren't familiar with. If the visitor has ill intent, opening the door makes their plan so much easier--and a locked screen door may not be enough to stop them. It is no longer unusual for crimes to be committed in broad daylight, and with the devices available nowadays, taser/stun guns, etc., many can effectively breach things like screens, glass, etc., and can disable you, rendering you helpless to protect yourself. Sadly, the drugs and meth plaguing our society are creating desperate and psychotic individuals who have mental disabilities, making it even more dangerous to have contact with those you don't know or haven't vetted. it may sound like I'm being overly cautious, but many others like myself no longer pass out candy to trick-or-treaters on Halloween because of this danger. It's doubly dangerous because it's no longer just little children participating in this ritual, and you have no idea who is under the costumes. This is also why many communities have begun sponsoring communal Halloween parties that the children and their parents can safely attend. "When in doubt, keep them out."
Helpful Answer (5)
Katsmihur Oct 2019
Totally agree but she doesn’t see it that way. Her perception of safety just isn’t there much of the time. Combine it with bad decision making, stubbornness and willfulness to ‘do things the way she wants to’ = her being her own worst enemy. Husb has said this for years...
I haven't heard of reps stopping by; that is truly frightening and I would be checking out those charities by name. Many charities now mail cheap goods made "overseas" such as small blankets, ornaments, plastic bags and etc. I know one quite famous Southwestern animal charity, given to in large amounts by a friend, that uses "Golden Circle" certificates and other such junk, then threatening you that you are "in danger of falling out of the Golden Circle" (using not their words to avoid problems). I am afraid that Elders are very prone to enjoy the little gifts and the accolades that they are excellent people, and so on. The more one gives the more the little stuff keeps coming.
But a Rep at the door? That is truly frightening and not something I have heard of. Will be following this one.
Helpful Answer (6)
Katsmihur Oct 2019
Not only a rep, but Gift Planner. Scoping her out for IRA, stocks and her Will.

I don’t like that this charity has a separate entity to target people including the vulnerable elderly. Apparently it’s not enough that she donates monthly, I guess.
I get them constantly. Even from charities I haven't donated to in years.. Calendars, tote bags, Christmas and greeting cards, dream catchers, return address labels, even tee shirts, gloves and blankets. I do not make donations in return unless I would have use for these things. Most I just gift to a charity , or to our local Senior Center. I do not view it as having any obligation on my part.
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Yes! They do it all the time. My Mom got a tote from USO and a local charity for children. The charities have been doing it for a long time, and I don’t see them stopping anytime soon!
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Probably the safest thing is to default to "no" when approached by these charities, marketing plans, etc. My father was good at this although he gave small amounts to a couple legitimate charities. After his death, one of them called and when I mentioned that he was deceased, I was asked if I wanted to "continue the tradition" to which I said there IS NO "tradition", I'm not interested, so good bye (and added that it's about time they became self-supporting).
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disgustedtoo Oct 2019
They left out some words.... "continue the tradition" to exploitation.....

I might also add I have my own "tradition" - being a cheapskate and using my limited funds to take care of myself!
It isn't just the "sketchy" charities that do this.
Elder family members had endowed scholarships at a college. They did this with full mind and intension. The college would invite them to annual donor luncheons and a representative would come by every year with a poinsettia at Christmas.
However, as they aged and finances changed, the visits seemed to be misconstrued by the older people, that in order to continue getting these visits they needed to donate more. I am not so sure that wasn't the undercurrent of these visits.
I called the college and said they were welcome to continue to invite them to the luncheon and to bring flowers, but they had to stop asking for more money.
Helpful Answer (7)

I have scads of little notepads from St Judes and other charities my mother used to donate to. Her mail was forwarded here at the end of her life and I continued to receive such things for a long time after she died. Finally they have stopped coming in the mail. She had calculators, blankets, tote bags, calendars and all sorts of stuff like that.
Helpful Answer (3)
disgustedtoo Oct 2019
AH, there might be some hope at the end of the tunnel???? I also have notepads, cards, etc that she gave to me AND now get them at my PO Box after forwarding her remaining mail to me, to ensure I caught all necessary stuff (had previously redirected her bills to me.) JUNK JUNK AND MORE JUNK! Charities (even some she didn't donate to in the past and hasn't donated to in years!), hearing aid places, investments, car warranties (sold the car YEARS AGO!), medicare plans.... I wasn't getting enough of my own junk mail, now hers too???? Mom is still alive, but living in MC. I can only hope it stops at some point, but given that I graduated college MANY years ago, I STILL get pleas for donations from them and have NEVER given them a dime! Personally I gave them enough in tuition, etc for myself (twice, going back to get a second degree more appropriate to my work) AND my son.
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