
during Christmas time we had out of town family come stay at the house since they left my mom cannot sleep she sees children in her room family members and not she wakes up so she explains and sits on the chairs so they will leave I told her mom when you have the dream try telling them to leave see what happens im really not sure what to do and I think its really bothering her so much now she is unable to sleep at all

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That's really sad. Was she sleeping normally before the family visit? How many days since your guests left?

I expect she's just temporarily unsettled, and if so this should resolve itself quite quickly. Keep her bedtime routine nice and peaceful, maybe chat to her about other things before she goes to sleep - and don't talk about the visit, you'll put ideas in her head!

Did she enjoy the visit? Or find it all a bit much? Any other problems with her health that you've noticed? - tummy upsets, colds or sore throats from the children, anything like that?
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thankyou for your concern no change in her health she had fun with the kids they were here about two weeks. I do talk with her before bed she goes in about 8 and like clockwork by 10 she is in the chair, tonight I went in to check on her she said they were here again but each night it seems to me the number of people get less and less tonight it was just two children and there father so she said I woke up right away and sat in the chair so they would leave. I try to talk about it with her it so hard but I feel bad for her I hope this goes away I was thinking maybe she has a uti or sundowners I don't know I try to take care of her the best way I can
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You sound like a really great daughter.

Your mom is hulucinating she sees things that aint there.

take your mom to the doctor he will give her some med so that she can relax a bit .

I hope things gets better,

God bless
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What is your mom's impairment? (Does she have mobility problems, dementia, copd, etc.)

Seeing people who aren't there can be a sign of a urinary tract infection, strangely enough! It would be a good idea to have her checked for this. Elders often don't have the typical symptoms for a uti and strange behavior might be the only clue.

Would she be able to sleep with some soft lighting in the room? Sometimes shadows and the lights playing tricks (headlights from a passing car, for example) can contribute to seeing things.

Taking chairs out of her room so the visitors have no place to sit might help for a while.

I join Countrymouse in hoping this is quickly resolved. I'd get a uti test, just to be on the safe side.

Welcome to AgingCare!
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thankyou so much, I will do that, she has an appointment coming up il explain it to him then. thankyou again. God bless
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my mom has congestive heart failure diabetis and a few other things she walks with a walker but its difficult for her im thinking its a uti also im going to get her to the doctor
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If she really enjoyed the children's company, maybe she's just missing them… and then if her brain function is playing her up, I suppose some sort of wish fulfilment could make her imagine people are still there. Especially if she's falling asleep first, then waking again. Are you able to get her back into bed?

I don't think it'll be sundowners, not if she's getting into bed as normal to start with. UTIs are always on the table, but if she's herself during the day that doesn't sound likely either. I'm glad it's easing off. Maybe give it the weekend, and then talk to her doctor if it's not continuing to improve. Wish her better x
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Here's another thought. Put a big empty box or stack of pillows or something similar in the chair, telling your mom that that will let the children know they are not welcome tonight. It should be something easy for Mom to remove, in case she gets up anyway, but it might relieve her mind to know she doesn't have to get up to sit in the chair herself.

(You can see I am suggesting that you go along with her view of what is happening. Hallucinations and delusions are very real to those who have them, and you can't generally talk them out of them.)
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the way she explains it is if she wakes up they naturally go away but as she talks she really thinks they will come back so I told her well mom do they talk to you she said no I said well tell them they have to go home now and you will see them again she says know I cant there my grandkids I tell her it will be ok
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mom sometimes gets confused when theres a few things going on at once, bless her heart....sometimes thinks theres alot more ppl here than just me and her.... after a while she either thinks they left or realizes its just us here... but if its talking to a bunch of ppl and its just you and her in the room maybe have the doctor look at adjusting her meds
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Definitely look at the meds and look at Kidney Function. My grandfather had kidney failure and saw lots of things that weren't there. We humored him. Overmedication or drug interaction can also lead to hallucinations. Sometimes less medication is better than more medication. Talk to the MD about all she has been seeing.
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my mothers hallucinations got so bad in her last couple months of life that she was given haldol shots monthly and tablets daily. haldol is just an old school tranq but it worked wonders for my mom. i think your seeing late stage dementia and i agree with jeanne, its no time to dispute her thoughts. you just have to make her reality as liveable as possible. my mom saw workmen all over the yard. i told her that as long as they stayed outside and left us alone it wasnt a big deal. she told me the bike shed was burning but i told her that both bikes were out front so screw it. i dont think i was redirecting her as much as just diffusing her fears. screw that bike shed, let her burn. lol. thats pretty out there but it worked fine.
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hospiss social counselor told me i was doing well by not disputing her . i told him we dont need no stinkin facts around here. we just roll with the flow. this was the final stages of dementia not a brain fart or two.
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