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Meds seldom work as planned immediately. They need time to build up in the system. Call her doc to ask about discontinuing it. Or is it possible that she may have something else going on? Maybe a UTI?
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The Dr prescribed Namenda for my Husband. (more on that in a bit. )
This drug is (or was at the time) a drug that is "titrated up and or down) this means you start out with a small dose and that small dose is given for 7 days, then a slight increase and that dose is given for a period of time then another increase and so on until the full prescribed dose is reached. (you might start with a 0.5 mg and go up to 15.0 mg over a 1 month period)
I did not keep my Husband on the medication because each increase in dose caused such a personality change that he was miserable and I did not see that it was doing any good. When I say personality change I do not know what "changes" were actually happening as he was pretty much non-verbal so would not tell me if he was dizzy or nauseous or had vision problems or any of the other possible side effects. He could not tell me in words but in actions that he was not comfortable.
Confusion happens to be on the list of side effects.
Talk to the Dr about discontinuing the medication as it should be titrated down just as it has gone up. (should be easy if you are only on the 1st week)
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This is something that you need to talk to your mother's prescriber about.
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