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You can get a "needs assessment", start with her doctor. And, if she has a caseworker, is able to live alone, has lived independently all these years, depending on her age, you will want to get her the best living situation possible.

How old is Mom now, and does she have dementia, alzheimer's, or other challenges that will make it harder to live independently? Some of the medications are the same: Seroquel, Resperidol, antipsychotics etc.

When you say "senior living", do you mean independent living, assisted living, memory care, board and care?

We will need more information to answer this question. Senior living can mean renting an apartment in a senior apt. complex, in which case there would be no requirement for care and no meds listed to qualify. Or, something else.

Keep in mind a move for an elderly can cause more confusion, more anxiety.
Where is she living now?

Get her medications stabilized with her doctor first. Her behaviors will be much more important in assessing her needs in the near future. imo.

You are right to ask this question, because I have read how others have been challenged in placing a parent with a mental health diagnosis.

Once the more experienced caregivers wake up, you will get more answers.
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It depends on where she’s going, like Sendhelp writes. If she’s going to Memory Care, they can handle anxiety and other issues. But if she’s going to Independent Living, there’s a different expectation. She cannot be denied admission because of meds she’s on, but they possibly could refuse to admit her to Independent or Assisted Living if she tends to wander, acts out or is combative in any way.
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