
She's currently in a nursing home but her cash is going fast. I was told Medicaid will kick when its gone, but I (her daughter & POA) was told Medicaid will have a problem with this when it's time for them to kick in for the nursing home. Any way around this? Christmas gifts? She is down to around $60,000.00 left, but a $7,500.00+ a month that is going to go quick. She has no insurance to leave anyone. This is stressing her out.

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For the past 5 years All moms $ needs to have been for her care or her needs in order for Medicaid to approve her application. Just how much & detailed of a review will depend on how your state runs Medicaid. For my mom it was 3 years & 6 months of all financials.

If mom is already in a facility, there will be an obvious pattern of spending as to where her $$ goes. So checks to kids & gran kids will stand out and lead to a transfer penalty from Medicaid. Family will have to private pay her costs during the penalty period too as she is now impoverished.

Really from now on, it's family who is going to need to be gifting to grandma - - robes, pjs, body wash, beauty shop credits, magazines, etc- as she will only have a tiny personal needs allowance once she goes on Medicaid .
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I believe Medicaid will look back 5 years and you all will be held responsible for the money she gives you. Tell her you all are fine and she NEEDS that money for her wellbeing.
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Why would you think it's ok to gift all her money away and the government pay for her to stay in nursing home? Any money spent now HAS to be for her care.
There are no Medicaid police but her application will be denied for gifting her money away. Make sure her final expenses are paid. (Funeral). Keep receipts. I realize she probably wants to give her family something but she can't. We went through this with my MIL. We explained to her that her 3 sons were better off financially than she was. Parents always feel the need to "take care" of the kids. Let her know that you appreciate the thought, but it's not needed.
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If she doesn't have a pre-need fully paid funeral & burial done, I'd suggest you take some of her 60K and get that done now & before she applied for Medicaid. Otherwise you will have to pay personally for all this once mom dies.
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NO she cannot gift anything, no cash, nothing! If you do, Medicaid will reject the application until it is paid back. DON'T do it, huge problems!
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Also I'd suggest you go ahead & get the details from the NH as to what documents will be needed for moms Medicaid application. You want to start collecting these now. Medicaid will want her awards letters (like from SS and retirement programs) and those go out in Dec & January. If she still owns any real property, those tax bills are also going out this time of the year. If she has anything that produces income or a dividend, those have to be done & sent to her by end of January. So this is really a good time to start a notebook of Medicaid items for her. You won't be so overwhelmed later on next year.
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