
Will not allow my name on her accounts nor will not go to the doctor. At this point have no right other than she signs her checks for bills and I write them out and send them, I have the caregiver but when funds run out more than likely my house next door to her home, in her name still both house mine will be sold, and her rights will be taken care of with the money from the house, I will be kicked out , which is fine but not right and upsetting, from Terrified

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Terrified, from one of your other posts, I see that you are using your funds to pay some of mom's bills. You should not do that. You will impoverish yourself.

You need to look up your local Area Agency on Aging. It's most likely on your county website. Ask for a "needs assessment for your mom. It's free, and they will tell you what level of care she needs.

If she falls or becomes ill in any way, call 911 and insist she be taken to the hospital. From there, the hospital social worker can help you with long term placement.
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Terrified, I noticed on your profile that Mom has Alzheimer's/Dementia, is that why she has a caregiver? Or do you who have the caregiver?

If your Mom's memory is to a point where she cannot understand legal documents, then she couldn't get a Power of Attorney. Curious, does she have a Will? Usually when an Attorney draws up a Will, they also will do a POA and Health Directive... unless your Mom's Will is extremely old.

You could try to get Guardianship of your Mom. Check with an Elder Law Attorney.
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