
She doesn't eat much so can't put them in food. Can't put them in juice--she sees it and refuses to drink it. She has a bad bladder infection--one she keeps on getting. Some days she is fine and will take her meds when I give them to her. But other days she is angry and belligerent and refuses to take them. I feel like I am on a roller coaster with her. She has undiagnosed dementia. I have difficulties getting her to the doctors too. I've had to cancel many, many appointments at the last minute because she refused to go--even telling her we were going shopping doesn't help. I'm trying to keep her out of a home but I am losing this battle. There are times when I have issues getting her up in the morning or getting her to bed at night. It is like she turns into this stubborn, angry, mean spirited person. I need help.

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Check with her primary doctor to see if there are any liquid antibiotics, if it doesn't taste too bad you can add it to a drink... or if your Mom likes cherry flavor, maybe the doctor can suggest a child's antibiotic but increase the dose or whatever.
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I think you really are losing the battle to keep her safely at home. Sorry.
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Amoxycillin is tasteless and you can sneak it into anything, even frosting.
Get her some anxiety meds for the belligerence. Ativan is tiny and tasteless.
Cranberry juice helps the bladder. So does vinegar.
Silver is antibiotic/antiviral/antifungal. Let her eat with a silver spoon, stir her coffee/juice with a silver spoon, eat her eggs with a silver fork and decorate her cookies with silver decors (dragees).
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Pam, actual silver dragees are very hard to find these days unless you order from a cake decorating specialty store. What you are likely to find locally won't have any real silver. Just thought you'd want to know. :)

(I do cake decorating, in case you wonder how I know that.)
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Jeanne, I ate a zillion of those dragees on Christmas cookies as a kid. I had silver nitrate put in my eyes when I was born. You can now buy silver gel made by Curad, and Band Aids with silver. So save Grandma's silver teapot, you may need it to battle MRSA. LOL
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Ahh, something I just learned from Mom's urogynecologist. Cranberry juice can actually cause increased frequency to the bathroom. Mom had been getting up nearly every hour for about a week. Just as I would start to drift off to sleep, she was up again. So, stopped cranberry supplements and juice and we are back to her normal of about four times a night.
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