
My mom's care home just opened on 7/1 for visitors. I've been down a few times and have finally been able to get in her room to see what she has and doesn't have. I took her the couple things she asked for (mouthwash and lotion) and a pound of sweet cherries that she loves. She was in a bad mood when I arrived. During the visit I found 7 tubes of polident adhesive ("it doesn't work, throw them away"). She's goes through mouthwash like nobody's business. After finally seeing her up close and personal I saw that her dentures were quite stained and asked if she was using the effervent tabs in the container when she takes them out at night. She said she put them in the mouthwash (it was barely enough to cover one plate, let alone both - I guess that's why she's always needing mouthwash). I reminded her that she has to use the tablets as well. She said no one ever told her. Of course, she this did this for years on her own before going into the care home. And then she starts crying saying that I don't understand what she's going through. I try to be patient and realize its frustration and tell her that I can't fix things unless she tells me (said her dentures have been worrying her for months, but has never mentioned to me or the aides). Mom was always independent and she believes she can do more than she can. Also, the aides tell me that whenever I visit - whether now in person or even before when they were window visits, that mom's behavior would change (for the worse) after I left. Two questions - is there a good product to remove denture stains? I already tried baking soda and vinegar, and why is it that my visits trigger bad moods? I was so excited to be able to visit whenever I wanted and to pick her up and take her out without an act of congress. I left her today sitting in her room in tears. The aides said they would make sure that she's using the tabs in her denture container at night.

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I don't know much about dentures, but I can only guess that when she sees you, it is a reminder of the life she once had and what she has lost, and thus why she's always sad or in a bad mood after your visits.
You may want to try(for a short time anyway)keeping your visits to just once a week, and see how things go with her. If you see her mood is better, then you can try increasing your visits.
I'm sure this is hard on you, but I think you're at the point now that you must do what is best for mom and not for you. I'm wishing you the best.
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Your post is tagged alzheimer's and dementia, if that's the case then you can't expect her to remember how to properly care for her teeth! Improper oral care is another one of those things rampant in facilities, I swear my mom's dentures were rarely cleaned unless I did it and they were often left out altogether 😠. The aides SHOULD be making sure they are in the proper solution AND rinsing them off before putting them back in her mouth, but don't count on it.

As for the stains - ask your denturist, if it is possible to clean them without damaging them they will know how.

editing to add - I agree with funkygrandma about the reasons she's in a funk after your visits, especially if you are pressuring her to think and behave in a way she is no longer capable of.
Helpful Answer (5)
Maggiemay1971 Jul 2021
As far as her oral hygiene I guess it's one of those things that I assumed she was doing all along. In fact, it's not even something I ever thought about because she had always done it. She never complained about pain until the Care Center reopened after COVID on 7/1. I've been reading stuff all day so I think I have a game plan. Thanks for your input!!
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Stain-Away is a great product to use on dentures; here's a link to it on Amazon but you can get a single bottle of it at Wal-Mart:

Dementia is tricky; she may not be able to use the product properly which is combined with the Efferdent in the denture bath at the same time with very hot water. Tell the aides in her facility what you'd like to accomplish, and perhaps you can get them on board to help.

Why are her dentures 'worrying her'? They could be too loose now (the mouth shrinks up which is why dentures need to be re-made every 5 years max) and why the Poligrip is now useless and not holding them in her mouth properly. She can combine Poligrip with a bit of POWDER Poligrip for a better hold, but again, with dementia at play, IDK if she'd be able to do it herself.

Many dementia patients get upset when a loved one visits. They seem to save up all their frustration and angst for when we are there to listen to them vent, you know? My mother is 94+ and lives in Memory Care Assisted Living. She treats the caregivers like solid gold and me like dirt under her feet. She carries on and complains non-stop to me while we're on the phone or while I'm there in person; it's awful. She doesn't have ONE decent thing to say, and she cusses everyone out like a sailor. So my visits are short, needless to say.

Your mother may want you to agree with her vents and to just sit there and nod. That's what my mother wants from me. To tell her Yes Mom, the Place is Horrible, the Caregivers Suck, the Food is Disgusting, Nobody Loves You or Cares About You, etc. etc. She doesn't want me to fix anything for her, she just wants to complain and moan and curse in general and have me as an audience to listen to it, which is difficult. What she's saying is a bunch of lies so it's hard TO agree with her, but that's what she WANTS me to do. Do you think that's what your mother wants from you? And if so, can you do it?

If your visits are going to cause your mother grief, then you may want to rethink going there. If she's not looking for you to be her scratching post, then your presence in general may upset her b/c that's how dementia works sometimes. No rhyme or reason to it, just chaos and senselessness. You can visit from afar........go into the facility and watch her for a while, w/o her knowledge, just to satisfy yourself that she's ok by laying eyes on her. That can work. Or call her on the phone before you go to gauge what type of MOOD she's in......if she wants to go out for lunch or if she's too irritated to consider it. I think it's a stretch to suggest you may be 'pressuring her to think & behave in a way she's no longer capable of.' If you need more info about dementia in general, I suggest you get the book The 36 Hour Day which is an excellent reference type book on the subject which I've found to be very handy myself.

Wishing you the best of luck with a difficult situation. I hate dementia with every ounce of my being and the never knowing WHAT to expect aspect of the damn condition. One day my mother is pretty lucid and with it, the next day she's talking pure gibberish and calling me her mother. Sigh. It really is the hardest thing I've ever had to deal with, and I'm sure it's the same for you. Sending you a hug of understanding & empathy, my friend.
Helpful Answer (12)
Maggiemay1971 Jul 2021
Thank you so much! I'm working with the aides now to abate this problem and in the meantime, I'll make an appointment to see about getting her dentures relined. She's 95 and said she's not paying for more dentures!!! LOL Thanks for the book suggestion, I'll check it out. Also, I can be very agreeable with her but she senses the patronizing tone. (Funny how dementia can be lucid with one thing and totally incomprehensible with others). The Aides really do go above and beyond. There are only eight patients there so they really do get specialized care. My mom is one who insists on doing things herself and they were willing to let her take care of some of her personal needs, but honestly, until they reopened, I wasn't aware of the lack of oral hygiene. I'll pick up some of the StainAway tomorrow. I hate dementia too, and I pray to God I die before my kids have to deal with me.
Well I never gave it a thought that I may trigger memories of years past, but I guess I do. I am definitely going to be more absent. I was so excited that they reopened and assumed Mom was chomping at the bit to see me more and to get out once in a while. But I know she's come to love her routine and the other ladies at the center and understand that change is not always good for dementia patients. Thanks again!!
Helpful Answer (9)
disgustedtoo Jul 2021
"I know she's come to love her routine and the other ladies at the center..."

THAT in itself is a relief and very welcome news! As lealonnie1 can attest to (as can many others), the complaints and non-stop diatribes about how awful the place is, the food stinks or they don't feed us, etc are usually saved for us when we visit! Meanwhile staff reports they are fine, enjoy time with others, eating well, etc.

Reducing your visits with mom might help, but probably only minimal for her and less so for you (given you were excited to go back!) While there, you certainly can try to agree with her complaints and assure her you'll look into them, but also try to distract/redirect her focus onto something else. Bringing something she really likes, such as a nice bouquet, some kind of treat, other items she likes might get her mind off her complaints. It doesn't always work, but worth a try.

To help you, is it possible for you to "visit" and observe without being seen? It will help you to see for yourself that she's well cared for and doing just fine when you aren't there. All too often their mixed up minds do tend to "take it out" on those who are really the closest to them, esp those who are providing the care.
My husband is currently fixated on his dentures. He puts them in and takes them out, numerous times a day. He has a whole ritual with them.
Unfortunately he is at the stage where everytime he wakes up, he thinks its a new day and the teeth go in.He carries them around in baggies, inside the basket of his rolator.
Yesterday he had to have a toothpick. I reminded him of his dentures. BUT he insisted he needed a toothpick, so I gave him one. After an unsuccessful attempt to use it, he threw it down and told me it was no good and to buy some better ones. I told him I would go to the store today buy some today. He hasn't mentioned them again
Helpful Answer (3)
disgustedtoo Jul 2021
"...told me it was no good and to buy some better ones."

Shame on you for buying the cheap useless ones!!! ;-D

Make sure the next ones are the gold plated ones... :-p
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With dementia you can not expect her to remember all the steps to soaking her dentures.
The facility should (it is required) do some oral care every day. They should be help her. They should also brush her mouth, or swab it for food particles using a swab and mouthwash. (By the way I hope the mouthwash is alcohol free, alcohol can be drying)
As to moms behavior ..could be any number of reasons.
She might be upset that you are gone. Try saying "I will see you later" or "I have to go to work, I will be back" rather than saying "goodbye" Also see that she is engaged in an activity before you go. Lunch, a snack, dinner or a game.
If you are upset during your visit for any number of reasons she can pick up on that and echo it after you are gone.
Helpful Answer (5)

Seems her dementia has progressed. She is upset because life is more confusing for her, She appreciates your visits but probably sees that her life has changed and feels sad about the changes. Help her stick to consistent routines. Partner with the aides to make sure her needs are met. If she has many more episodes of crying and frustration, she may benefit from a mild anti-anxiety medication.
Helpful Answer (8)

I can’t help but wonder if she is just letting go and venting when you are there because she feels comfortable and safe expressing herself with you. And the aftermath when you leave could be her emotions from it all. I don’t quite understand why the aides felt it necessary to tell you how she is after you visit. The least they could do is give you some suggestions to go along with it. What was their purpose in telling you?
Helpful Answer (5)
Harpcat Jul 2021
I agree with you. It’s as though they are blaming her!
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Consider it a blessing that your mom is being cared for by aides who will actually tell you what's really going on and be honest with you. That is very rare in a nursing/care home. More often than not aide staff is forced to lie to inquiring family members in order to keep themselves from getting in trouble with their superiors. You're lucky to have found your mom a good place.
On the thread someone suggested 'Stain-Away'. That's a good product and will remove the stains from your mom's dentures.
As for her crying and being set off by your visits. A lot of times when a person in a care facility sees family (especially their grown children) they believe that person is going to be able to put their life back to what it was before they went to live in the facility. That the family member can set the clock back 30 years or something like that. People with dementia also have to have the same structured routine and see the same people, at the same time, every day. The slightest deviation from their routine can be enough to set them back for days.
Maybe cut back on your visits. Or try visiting with phone calls then ask the aides to tell you how she was afterwards. If mom adapts well to the phone visits, at some point coming in person might not be so hard for her. Good luck.
Helpful Answer (2)

Hello! First of all let me say you are a good daughter and I know how it feels to be doing your best only to be berated by your mom. Please try to realize so many of us have been in your shoes. It’s hard to not take it personally isn’t it? It tests the patience of a saint!!
I’m a retired dental hygienist and my dad too had stained dentures and Stainaway which is available at Walgreens worked pretty well. You don’t use it every night though. Iam glad to hear that the aides will put her dentures in with the Efferdent at night. Just so you know my dad hated denture adhesives. If your mom's denture is loose, you can take her to a dentist to do a re-line. But only if she can tolerate an appointment. If you don’t think she can, then don’t take her.

Your mom realizes she is not the same and losing control. Loss of control causes anger with dementia. Go ahead and cry…it’s good for us..often I would get in my car and scream and curse until I felt better! It’s ok!!
Helpful Answer (14)

You'll have to be the strong one to get you and your mother through this! I'm sorry for your difficult situation. You did the right thing by enlisting your mother's aides, and if the aides change, you may have to do it again. Try to make every visit happy and loving quality time. Spend the minimum amount of time doing chores for her when you are visiting. I found that it was easier for both of us when I visit my mother if I time it so that my visit is ending when she goes for lunch (or it could be dinner). This way, she is distracted and looking forward to something she likes.
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The cognitive decline in my mom since lockdown was dramatic. I would suggest you’re dealing with a mom who can not preform the same hygiene tasks she did.
That someone esp you sees that now is humiliating. My “why” questions ended and my mom didn’t feel as judged. Many things changed during lockdown, and I had to meet her where she was. Whatever she did is enough.
Helpful Answer (9)

It's very emotional for your mom to see you go. When I would visit my sister in her home in another state, she would always cry when I had to go back home.

Even if your mom is lucky enough to live in a good Facility, it's not fun. It's always better to be able to live in your own home.

My 97 yr old Dad lives in his own house but has 24 7 Care. Of course he's spending all his savings and income to do so but old people should get to live out the rest of their lives anyway they want and can afford.

Your mom can't help feeling sad.

And try not to get on her as if she's a child because she has feelings and she's still your mom.

If she needs to be reminded of something just say it nicely, like it's no big deal and if she dies it, she does it.

Im sure if you call where she got the dentures or Google it, you'll find a way to clean them.
Helpful Answer (4)
LoopyLoo Jul 2021
“It's always better to be able to live in your own home.”

No, it isn’t. Some people just need more care and help to where their own home is no longer safe for them. Not everyone can hire 24/7 help. Nor is it feasible for someone to give up their jobs to take care of a parent. It’s not that they just don’t feel like caregiving.

“Old people should get to live out the rest of their lives anyway they want and can afford.” Problem is, some elders will die or go broke if they live their lives any way they want. There’s tons of stories on here about elders who think they’re managing in their home just fine… but in reality they aren’t! Some are giving away their savings to scammers, since their cognitive skills have declined. Some aren’t bathing for a month. Some have toileting problems and literally live in their own waste. Some wander out at 2 AM. Some insist they can still drive when they’re nearly blind and have slower reflexes. Some are eating spoiled food from their fridge, or not eating at all. Point is, they may WANT to live how they want, but some truly cannot be left to do so. Their children love them too much to let that happen.

Saying things like this does nothing but make a person feel guilty and terrible for doing what was best for their parent… which is nothing to feel guilty about,
So, your mother says, "you don't understand what I'm going through." Absolutely true. She's been through 12 months of isolation from you, and, as you get older there is so much internal pain, thinking of your past, present and future. She doesn't need you to "fix" things. This is not like a lightbulb that needs to be changed. Give her a hug. Hold her hand. Just be with her. Yes, take her on a ride.
Now that you have assessed the situation up close, you can have more updates from the aides and the nurses. And of course she's sad when you leave, she loves you. And you know, when you are sad it often turns into mad---hence her post-visit behavior.
Love on her.
Helpful Answer (6)

Imho, your mother has gone through an EXTRAORDINARY time. It's no doubt like any time in modern history depending on her birth year. The global pandemic has been extremely difficult on everyone, but the elder population, especially those housed in facility homes, are affected tremendously. Her oral health is important.
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I used Invisalign and they started to taste so bad after awhile. I started soaking them in mouthwash for that reason. The expensive tabs made to clean them didn’t work.

Try a plug-in denture “sonic” sterilizer $40 through Amazon.

And I do believe that this had been very tough for her, living in the care home.
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People in nursing homes feel lonely, they have no control over their lives anymore & it’s scary. Many are indignant to be left behind by their families & would never ask for help. They’ve lead long lives with wisdom, experience & strength. Now their bodies & minds are naturally failing them & there’s no turning back. Many are depressed, don’t talk, pretend not to understand to disassociate themselves & even oversleep to escalate the progression. Sometimes employees over their care have bad days, sometimes they’re stretched too thin with the number of residents, sometimes nursing homes misuse medication to quiet down residents so there’s less work. I guess I don’t understand when you said you tried to be patient when she cried.
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I'm right there with you but Mom still lives with me, so it's even more evident. I've been seeing a Psych for over a year; did it on my own to save My sanity since I can't go anywhere; and I bought that up to her, and she also saw it her at home --- thank GOD she makes time to come here. She said that most of the time that this happens is because of you are her family and they feel comfortable; at least from their point of view; and assume you can fix it. It's so hard to walk away when they're crying but sometimes you Must. They do that when their frustration level is beyond their control and trying to calm them makes them think you're patronizing them. Maybe try to split your visit, time wise. If you plan on being there for an hour, tell her you need to make a quick run after about 30 min, then you'll be right back. Just go out to the car or walk around the courtyard if they have one; just so you're out of sight for 5-10 min; then come back. See how that goes. Most of us have been "away" from then for over a year and it'll take a little time to get back to their normal. Don't think that those thru-the-glass-visits are much; not according to them. They Need to be able to touch you/hug you to really feel connected. You've heard that a hug before anything else is The Most Important thing you can do the very first thing when you see them. The embrace brings back Many Good memories and your perfume/cologne is ingrained into their deep memories. You need to do that everytime you walk out & come back into the room. As far as dentures; like the others here have stated; IF she can deal with going to the dentist, get them relined asap. If it's going to be an issue; try and make an appointment for when they're the slowest and mention her condition. Some dentists will see them an hour before they normally open or after they close to make it as fast & quiet as possible. I'd suggest to give her 1-2 Melatonin gummies a half hour before the appt. They'll help relax her. They want us to be miracle workers; and we are to an extent; but we can't fix this. Just remember she Does love you and Does need you. Good luck & God Bless
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In many many situations, when we have hurt in our lives and we get close to the one we count on for comfort, the tears can begin to flow. No meds needed. Just a warm hug. Someone who loves us to care that we are having a tough time. It is a great comfort. Not necessarily to fix it but to be with us for a time. And when the visit is over, a few more tears may come. The end of life is hard.

I remember my little brother would fall and skin his knee. Maybe a few tears but he wanted to be with the older kids, so he would choke them back. But the closer he got to home, to mom, here would come the tears and by the time we came in the door, he would be in full wail. It was safe to cry with mom, no older kids would be calling him sissy. That was usually followed by a warm bath, supper and bed. The next day he was ready to go again and promise not to cry when he got tired. I think it’s a human condition.
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my husband has top/bottom dentures and i buy efferdent, you put the tablet in WARM water and soak them overnight in a container. why put them in mouthwash, put them in WARM water. rinse in the morning and they should be good to go. Unless you can take them to a dentist, they would be able to remove the stains then they would be cleaner for her. did the aides find out why her mood changes, did they ask her what might be wrong? I go see my mom 2 days aweek, wash her clothes because they are short staffed and she wasn't always getting her clothes back timely, so I am doing them for now until things get better. I know sometimes mom gets frustrated with different things, but there isn't much I can do. I do, though, remind her to drink water because she has a habit of not drinking enough and was on the verge of another UTI. she is 94, diabetic and has edema also, and on oxygen. Ask your mom why she gets frustrated after you leave? maybe its just because she knows that she can't do what her mind thinks she can. WE ALL would like to be in our 20 and 30's to be able to do things like we did before..........but now that we are older our bodies just don't function that way. wishing you luck with everything.
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