
The drama with my mom continues. On Saturday morning she started with the "I just want to die" again. This time I called 911 and they took her to the hospital. Now they have transferred her to a geriatric psychiatric care facility. Once they get her stable, can I refuse to accept her back? If I do that, will they have to find her a place to live. She has no money but SS and is not qualified for our state's medicaid so no LTC that she can afford - but she needs fulltime 24 hour supervision. My DH and I work full time and cannot provide her with that level of care - nor do we want to.

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This is your golden ticket so take full advantage of it!! DO NOT ACCEPT HER BACK INTO YOUR HOME. Do you have POA? If it's in force (activated if it's the kind depending on her competency), then you can work with the facility to find the right place for her. Options may be limited due to her lack of funds which is a hard truth of elder care, but there are options. Talk to the facility TOMORROW about this so they don't have any grand ideas that you will be picking her up soon. No thank you.

I know it won't be easy but your life right now is anything but easy. After 6 years of my mom living with me and hubby (similar situation to yours!), I was waiting for her to go to the hospital again because she was not going to be coming back home. She'd been hospitalized like 3 years in a row but once I decided it was time, that dried up like a desert! I had to put on my big girl panties, with encouragement from other posters here, to tell her the bad news - that she was moving into AL. It was a rough start and she still doesn't love it but it is sooooo much better for me.

Best of luck.
Helpful Answer (7)
graciekelli Jun 27, 2023
OMG!! Thank you so much for your encouraging words. I do feel guilty - I'm not going to lie. But I want my life back so bad. These past couple of days without her have been heaven. I feel like my husband and I are free and able to do all the things we should be doing as a "young" couple in our 50's. I am getting geared up - preparing my responses. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
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Yes, you can refuse to take her back. as you are not able to give her proper care.

Don't budge from that position when you speak to the discharge people and speak to them soon. As againx says -you don't want them thinking she will go back to you.

Stick to your guns. They know what resources are available.

Wishing you all the best and keep us updated.
Helpful Answer (5)
graciekelli Jun 27, 2023
So, just to be clear, should I tell them now or when they say she is well enough to come home? By the way APS came to see me yesterday and I told the agent the she doesn't want to be here and I don't want her to be here. She asked me where I thought she should go? I said AL. But she can't afford it and I'm not going to pay for it and she isn't qualified for Medicaid in my can you help find her a place where she is cared for. She said - no - not my job. I just need to review her issues of lack of self care. I told her that I can't make her take a shower - I can't make her get dressed. That's why I am not equiped to care for her. In addition my husband and I work full time - she needs constant supervision. APS wrapped it up quickly and left. No advise, no help, no nothing.
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Got it. RN just called and asked me about meds and I plan to call them tomorrow morning to let them know I have decided that I cannot care for her any longer and that she cannot be discharged to me. I will let you know what happens. I am looking for any other advise to help me through this - words of wisdom or heart is lifting like...I see a way out!
Helpful Answer (7)
golden23 Jun 27, 2023
((((((hugs))))) and prayers.

It's not that you have decided. The doctors have set the bar and you can't reach it.

The facts are -
The doctors have decided that your mother needs 24 supervision.
(You did not decide that, the doctors did.)
You cannot provide that 24 hr. supervision.

Therefore your mother cannot be cared for in your home.
Your mother needs placement in a suitable facility where she gets 24 hr. supervision.
Why does Mom not qualify for Medicaid, is her SS over the income limit?

YES, you can say that you can no longer care for her. You can also give up as POA and allow the State to take over her care. They will find her a placement quicker than you will. If you want nothing to do with Mom's care, thats the way to go.

Yes, this is your Golden Ticket so grab it.
Helpful Answer (2)
graciekelli Jun 29, 2023
See my answer to Alvadeer.
Why does she not qualify for Medicaid. If she has no assets and no money that doesn't make sense.

And yes, you can refuse to take her back. You will need to make it stick with "I am not mentally or physically able to accept her to my home". You may need to give up POA if you have it and can call APS to tell them you can no longer care for her and she must become a ward of the state.

Let the Social Workers at the hospital know at once you will not accept her home. Do not buy any of this "we can help" and "we will make this work". They can't and they won't.
Helpful Answer (6)
graciekelli Jun 29, 2023
My mother does not qualify for Medicaid because my brother and his wife convinced her to liquidate all her assets and purchase a house in ONLY their names. In my state there is a 5 year look back on her finances. She did this in November 2021. She would qualify in November/December 2026.

I do have POA for finances, medical and mental decisions. But, I am more than willing to give it all to someone else...who??? I don't know since she has no one left.
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Today's update. Doctor called me and asked me some questions about my mom and I told him briefly the most concerning behaviors. He asked me if I thought I should still take care of her. I said NO!! I told him I was not equipped to handle all her medical issues or her need for 24 hour care since my husband and I both work and it's not safe for her to be here alone anymore. I told him she really needs to be in AL, but she has no money or savings and is not qualified for Medicaid in my state. He said he agreed -- she needs AL and much more care that I could provide. He said he would get with the Social Worker and find a place for her. Yay! I did it. While I know it's not over yet. I feel like a 2 TON weight has been lifted off my shoulders. Thank you everyone for your help and support. Without this site, I wouldn't know the things I know now. I'll send an update soon.
Helpful Answer (17)
golden23 Jun 28, 2023
Awesome, gracie, just awesome!!! So happy for you.
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If she has no money and no assets, how could she not qualify for Medicaid? Depending on her overall health, it might be time to consult with Palliative Care or Hospice. At 86 I know that I don't want to "linger" when--for all reasonable intents and purposes--my time has run out.
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graciekelli Jun 29, 2023
My brother talked her into liquidating her assets, took her to another state and had her buy them a home in cash putting the home in his and SILs name only. My state has a 5 year look back she has 4 more years before she can qualify. I did ask the Social Worker if they make exceptions in situations like this (by the way, my SIL has 2 felony elder abuse charges pending in California as she shoved my mother and my mother was injured.) SW didn't know. Hopefully he will look into this with this colleagues.
Social Worker from the Psyche Center called and left me a message. I called back and left him one. I am waiting to hear back. I am so nervous. But, I am sticking to my plan...there is NO WAY, she is coming back in my home. I know they will play hardball with me and start offering all kinds of "free" home health care, help, adult day care, etc...but I am not willing or able to take care for her and I don't want her in my home. These last 4 1/2 days have been such a joy and I feel finally free.
Helpful Answer (8)

Update: I spoke to the Social Worker at the facility. I explained everything that was going on over the last 15 months. I told him that she CANNOT come back here. He said that with her limited income, it will be very difficult for them to find a place for her (as she will not qualify for medicaid). I asked about a group home. He said that they will want all her income (1400) a month. I said that's not a problem I don't want POA they can have it. He is going to start working on it. I asked about making her a ward of the state. He didn't respond on that. He said he was going to get with his colleagues and see where he can place her. I made it very clear to him that she could not come back here. He said he would keep me posted. I know it's not over. But I am standing my gound on this.
Helpful Answer (10)
AlvaDeer Jun 29, 2023
Thank God you are standing your ground. I still don't understand (and likely I missed it) why she won't qualify for Medicaid????

And yes, if you have to RESIGN YOUR POA. You might need an attorney to do it if she is adjudged incompetent. APS can also walk you through it. He didn't answer you about "Ward of the State" because the state doesn't want to deal with this any more than YOU do, but the truth is they have the knowledge and resources to do it and you do NOT.
Keep on keeping on and thanks so much for your update.
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Releasing my POA. Here in AZ, there is no set legal format for releasing myself as POA. I can voluntarily withdraw at any time and so can my mother. This is good thing.
Helpful Answer (3)

Barb just remind me of the house thing. Just my opinion, but if you allow the State to take over Moms care, she will be put in a LTC facility. I think by the State being guardian and with Moms mental problems, she will have no problem being placed. Medicaid will have to pay her way. If you don't do this, it will be very hard for you to get her placed.
Helpful Answer (2)
graciekelli Jun 29, 2023
Thank you JoAnn29! I don't want my mother on the street...but I don't want her here in my home. So, I did make it clear to the SW that if he couldn't find her a home that I wanted to release her to the state for guardianship. I don't know why I keep getting calls asking me stuff. I could release my POA on all issues and then they would have to work it out themselves. Should I do this now?
I have been reading the comments...should I now stop answering the phone? I really don't know how this works... Now that I have made it clear that she cannot return to my home, should I not return the calls? Should I also send them a copy of my withdrawl of POA on everything? I want to be cooperative, but I am finding that I am telling the same story over and over again. Please let me know what you all think I should do. I need to know from people who have been in the same situation and were successful. That is my goal. Thank you all!!
Helpful Answer (1)
AlvaDeer Jun 30, 2023
Your Mom is no longer competent. That means you cannot simply withdraw from POA. It is now a court action that requires an attorney. Call an elder law attorney. Your POA allows for payment for this out of your Mom's funds if you manage them. This attorney will go to court and get you removed.

Plan B) would be instead to call APS and tell them where Mom is, that the social workers are finding placement, that you do not want to be POA anymore and to assist you in withdrawing as POA and getting State guardianship for your Mom.

Do understand, Gracie, that this means the END of you having any say in anything about where she is places, or in any control of her assets.

These are the steps you have to take. I would start with APS as it will be easier/cheaper than the attorney.
As to the phone, tell them you are resigning as POA and are working now to legally do that, placing mom under guardianship of the state and that you will not accept her back in your home.
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Your mother will not be "on the streets" if you step back.

Call APS and keep answering your phone. Be a broken record and say "No, I will not be taking her back into my home, there is no one to provide care for her here."
Helpful Answer (3)

New update: Nurse called me and told me she has been diagnosed with Boarderline personality disorder, Stage 3 mild dementia Mild dementia decline. Nurse asked me what I do at home to get her to swtich gears. I told her, I agee with the diagnosis, but she needs to add OCD and hoarding. You can't get her to switch gears. She won't stop once she gets a thought in her mind. She is OCD but in a bad and hoarding... she is not clean.

Is there any advisr for me ..should I continue to provide information on my mother, or should I seek alteratives, like stop calling me and figure it out youselves... I don't mean to be mean... but I want to cut off everything and get back to my life.
Helpful Answer (2)

New Update: Received a call from SW this morning asking me about next steps in discharge. I told SW, I don't know. I cannot take care of her and she doesn't have money for AL? He said she would need at least $3,000 a month. I told him that I am not paying for it - he needs to find another option. He said that there aren't any. I told him that I know that. I already tried to find other options and I didn't come up with any. He said that he is meeting with the team later today to go over her assessment and will contact me after that is done.

I'm starting to get worried. It sounds like they won't have anywhere for her to go. What do I do? I know I just need to keep repeating myself that she can't be safely discharged here. What will happen to her? Any advise from all of you would be greatly appreciated.
Helpful Answer (1)
CTTN55 Jul 5, 2023
Thanks for the update! Stay strong -- you cannot take care of her, period. It would be an unsafe discharge.

They might have to work a little bit harder, and they probably still think they can bully you into taking her home. We're all behind you here. Your mother needs to be and will be placed in a facility.

Let us know what the SW says when he calls after the team meeting.
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Thank you CTTN and Alvadeer. Your words of wisdome are great reinforcement for me. I will give you an update after I hear back from the SW and since I do still have POA for financial, medical and mental, I will be sending them a copy of my resignation. I will also reach out to an elder attorney to ensure all is in order.
Helpful Answer (2)

SW called me this morning. I had a very busy day at work today so I didn't get a chance to call him back...he never called me back...I am thinking it is better not to jump back to they're every call.
Helpful Answer (6)
CTTN55 Jul 7, 2023
I bet he tries again today. Stay strong!
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It might be advisable to not put anything in writing to "report" to a SW anything about yourself, or what you are or are not going to do.

The attorney can explain to you the reasons why.

The case is about your Mom.
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New Update: SW called me yesterday and I was busy at work so he left a VM. That message said he found a place for my mom. I called him back and he gave me very vague details. The address, the amount it would cost. When I asked him questions what the monthly cost included, he really couldn't answer me. It was so annoying. He said you can call over there and ask. I was thinking..."isn't this your job?" He said it's not the Taj Mahal or anything... Well for $1300 a month, we are not expecting the Taj Mahal, but I am also not paying anything towards my mother's care so I wanted to be sure there were no extra costs.

Anyway, I did call the facility and it is a typical assisted living facility they prepare meals, manage medication and provide typical assistance that my mother will need. It's furnished. She only needs her personal stuff and I will be going there today to pay for her first month's rent and deposit. She just barely has enough to cover the cost of this facility. I will also set up direct monthly payment to the facility. I also told the SW that they will need to transport her from their facility to the AL facility, because I don't want to have any issues with something happening and her not being delivered to her new home and me being "stuck" with her again.

It does seem like I am finally out of this huge burden and I want to thank all of you who have provided me with advise and support to get out of this horrible situation. I know I am not completely "out" of it. But I have my life back. I know she will never be happy and that I will continue to recieve calls and complaints, but now, I can chose to respond or not respond and she is out of my house and I will never allow her to return. These past 2 weeks (that she has been in the facility) have been wonderful and peaceful. Like my DH said, the 15 months of living hell will quickly fade and be a distant memory. But, I will hold that memory as a reminder to never cave again and bring her into my home.

I still hold POA. She is not capable of managing money. My next move is to find an alternative POA for her. She will continue to battle me on needing more money or wanting to buy things she can't afford. I just do not want the constant battles with her.

I will continue to be ever grateful and continue to visit this forum to post and comment about this journey and help others who are in similar situations. I will also let you all know my thoughts on her new AL home.
Helpful Answer (10)
CTTN55 Jul 8, 2023
$1300/month is all for AL? Since you have not yet resigned your POA, make sure that you sign any paperwork as her POA/agent. As you wrote, you will not be contributing anything towards her costs.
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Absolutely! We did it. You do NOT have to take her.
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graciekelli Jul 8, 2023
Only with all of your support and advise. Thank you Kathleen!!

The AL is willing to "work" with your mother's budget because they accept Medicaid. Very few do and I've never known one who accepted it without a certain amount of time being paid in cash by a new resident moving in.
The $1300 a month that your mother is paying is her share of the bill. The rest will be covered by Medicaid. No AL facility costs $1300 a month.
You both got lucky finding this AL. The facility will also take care of business with Medicaid too.
Helpful Answer (4)
graciekelli Jul 8, 2023
Really? They didn't even mention this to me at all. It is more like a group home setting. But if you are right and they are going to get Medicaid going for her...this will be awesome! Right now, she is in a club med setting at this upscale behavioral facility. This AL is completely the opposite. She might have a meltdown...
I just came back from the AL my mom will be going into. It's a group home setting. She will share a bedroom and bathroom. I think there are about 10 residents. Meals are provided and medication is administered. All the furnishings look straight out of the goodwill. Not sure how a prima dona, spoiled BPD, will adapt. No TV in the room, no phones in the room - these are located in a cental family room. The best thing about this place was the gardens. I can see why this place is so cheap. It's locked down from 9:00 pm until 6:00 am. The neighborhood is fine - not dangerous or anything.
Helpful Answer (5)
ElizabethAR37 Jul 9, 2023
Best outcome in a very challenging situation with no great options. It may be difficult for her to share a bedroom and bath--as well as not to have a phone or TV in her room and "straight out of Goodwill" furnishings. To be honest, it would be for me, especially the shared bed/bath. That said, although I don't have the direct knowledge base of many on this Forum, I agree you (and she) were fortunate that this facility was found for her.

Based on preliminary research I have done, Burnt and others are 100% right that NO facility charges only $1300/mo. In 1970, maybe, but definitely not in 2023! In a similar situation, I would be compelled to realize that and adapt, I hope reasonably graciously.
Gracie, please except what is being provided, Your Mom will just have to adjust. She really has no choice. Her Dementia has gotten to the point that you cannot care for her. The SW found a place for her. At this point, all turned out the way you wanted it too. You know can go to work and come home and relax. You will get a goid nights sleep. Mom is where she needs to be. Probably would not be happy with any facility she was sent to.

I would stay away for a few days. Good there r no phones, she doesn't need one. If she gets to one and calls you, if she starts complaining tell her that is where, for now, she needs to be. If she continues to complain, tell her ur hanging up. Be strong!😊 You now have freedom.
Helpful Answer (5)
graciekelli Jul 9, 2023
Hi Joann,
I'm good. You are right. She will have to adjust because she has nowhere else to go. It is an answer to prayers. I am going to drop off all her stuff at the AL tomorrow. She is supposed to be discharged on Tuesday. I plan on staying away for at least 6 months.

She won't call me because she doesn't know my number or anyone elses by heart. I know it may sound mean, but it's for the best. I just hope she doesn't act up over there and get herself kicked out or something.

I will continue to be strong. Believe me when I say...she will not be setting a single foot back into my home even for a visit. I will take no chances.
Just so everyone knows, the board and care home, 10 maximum residents, that my dad was in, was only 1,300.00 monthly. That was the total cost for a shared room. So they do exist and they are called ALs.

Gracie, I truly wouldn't worry about the furnishings, odds are that it is goodwill and yard sale stuff, nothing wrong with that.

When you accept residents with behavioral issues you can not have top quality furnishings, things get ruined and it is easier to let things slide when they aren't costing you thousands of dollars for nice furnishings to be replaced.

I recommend that you don't even get into how shabby the place is with your mom, unless you are prepared to be her full-time caregiver again. What matters is the care she gets in the AL.

I would be happy dancing that she was accepted from the psych unit, you can read here story after story about no facility will accept a resident because of their psych issues.
Helpful Answer (5)
graciekelli Jul 9, 2023
While I would never allow my DH or even myself to enter a facility like this, I must say, my mother has made life choices against all loving advise given to her that has absolutely landed her in this type of facility. I myself cried and begged her not to liquidate her assets and buy a home for my brother "in cash, placing it in their names only!" She would not listen. So, it was her decision. And now that she had nothing left to her name, this is all she can afford. The residents at this facility were kind and I enjoyed speaking with them. Her needs will be met. She will have a warm bed, food, someone to make sure she has her medication and what I think is the best thing at this facility, but what I know she will NOT take advantage of is a lovely garden. Okay...she won't be able to lay in bed all day watching TV, but not sure that's a really good way to spend your time anyway.As far as a phone goes, she has access to a community phone...oh..well...again...she made these decisions, even though we begged her not to. Sometimes, we all have to live with the consequences of the choices we make. She wanted my brother to have everything and now he has. She made the sacrafice to give him everything she had and now she will have nothing...I will not sacafice my life or my family's because of her stupidity.
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