
My mom is 83 and still cooks I have noticed that she is now having a hard time seeing the pan to take it out of the oven... Im on the search to see if I can find a microwave it BIG easy to read numbers or a dial... Can someone help with ideas on how I can help my mom and keep her feeling independent and safe at the same time... I have gave her books with large print that she seems to be able to read for now.. Today I became a member of aging care, and already have found an abundant of information, and I love reading others stories that can understand what I dealing with as well.. Thank you all...

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I'll tell you what I did, I bought puffy fabric paint and used it to mark the areas on the microwave touch pad that mom needed, mostly the 1 minute and 30 second shortcuts. The puff paint is great for marking other things too.
My mom lost 75% of the vision in one eye suddenly (and it was her "good" eye) and gradually lost most of the central vision in the other but she managed living on her own for 15 years. There are so many neat gadgets available to help with vision loss, do reach out to agencies that can help with low vision tools and training (in Canada we have the CNIB).
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@cwillie has a good idea which we have also done only we used fingernail polish. However, in your profile you mention caring for a mother with cognitive impairment. If she has Alzheimer's cooking is going to need to be phased out, little by little over time as she progresses. That will have to happen for safety sake, it might be worth considering doing so gradually, as you said moving to a microwave and blaming in on eye sight might be a great first step, if she is capable of understanding the reasoning.
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A good counter top oven might be a safer option than using the big oven, there is almost nothing I can't cook in mine. The big drawback would be finding one that is easy to operate, I can't say I've ever bothered to compare those features.🤔
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MyMom1965, my Mom also had macular degeneration and continued to cook. She was legally blind, but knew where everything was in the kitchen. Whenever I brought in groceries, she had to stop my Dad from helping her as Mom wanted to remember where she had placed items, plus putting the older item first to use.

One thing I did notice about their microwave was it was black with white numbers which I found were difficult for her to read. My Dad even installed a tiny light next to the numbers to help Mom, but that didn't really help. Too bad they didn't go to the store to see the microwaves before purchasing via phone call to their friendly appliance store. For myself, a white microwave with black lettering works best.

Thankfully their microwave was on the kitchen counter and not up over the stove. Don't know why builders think over the stove microwave is a great idea as not everyone is 6 foot tall :P
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shad250 Apr 2019
Space and convenience
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