
My 95 year old mother has blood clots in both legs following surgery for a broken hip. She can't be put on any type of anticoagulant therapy due to an ongoing GI bleed. IVC filter was also decided against following discussion with vascular surgeons.  Any advice regarding attempts at further physical therapy to attempt using a walker again, as she's currently wheelchair bound. Concern is therapy dislodging a clot.

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Thank you. We seem to have received an "answer " if one is ever possible in this case. First of all, I received a call from the surgeon who would have performed the IVC filter if we'd gone that route. Without getting into personal stories, suffice it to say he not only shared a similar situation but told me that no matter what happens now or tomorrow or whenever----I am not to feel guilt or blame myself. As an RN and PA, we are trained to "fix" people.

Mom is back in assisted living and using wheelchair only when she does get out of bed for meals. The director of the facility and I agree that right now she's much too weak for therapy and that anything done to her too aggressively could dislodge a clot. I am trying so hard not to feel guilty about any wrong decision but it's really hard. Thank you for your kindness.
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At 95 there is no right or wrong answer as all answers are subject to her advanced age and condition. Hopefully the clots aren't causing her pain and they will dissolve on their own.
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Stevie, sorry we weren't able to answer your question. I believe it is too complex for us, and you need the advice of a doctor.
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