
She lives at home with my dad. The doctor has ordered in home hospice. She is 96 and not a candidate for dialysis. My dad is 98 and wheel chair bound. My siblings and I rotate weeks so someone is always there. I've been doing research but most results give info about Stage 5 with dialysis. Has anyone had experience with this. How long could she live with final renal failure. She and my dad celebrated their 75th anniversary last week and this is going to break his heart. Any experiences others have had would be appreciated.

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MOther's best friend was dxed with end stage renal failure about 3 months ago. Helping your mom stick to the very regimented diet and keeping her comfortable and out of pain is probably all you can realistically do for her.

Be aware that your dad could swiftly follow your mom if she passes. Some couples are so bound together--one literally cannot survive w/o the other.

And talk to her Dr.!! See what he/she says about taking the best care of mom.

Good luck on what is, I know, a tough journey.
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OOps, didn't see that dr has ordered Hospice. They are wonderful-- and will be the most help to you.
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Hospice will keep Mom comfortable. Since she can't have dialysis, the poisons will build up in her system and her mind will be effected. She will eventually pass. I think my friend was gone in a week or two. Hers was caused from being a juvenile diabetic.
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I just wanted to add that I am amazed about how long both of your parents have lived and survived just so many things, over the last 9+ decades. 75th anniversary! Wow, that is incredible! It really is superb and I am speechless. What an amazing feat! They are survivors and your family is very fortunate to have your parents in your life that long. Seriously, I hope that you find solace in the fact that you have had parents in your life that long. It is good to hear that there is rotation and family coming together and that they are being taken care of in their time of need. Glad you shared and stay rested and know that hospice will really help. Peaceful sleep.
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Prayers to you and your family as you go through this. Its hard to predict when a person will pass, but in my experience 2-3 weeks, sometime it is days after stopping dialysis. I also commend you for not opting for dialysis for a 96 y/o, as that wouldn't improve her quality of life but only cause more misery. 
Stay with her and tell her you love her & make her last days comfortable.
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Marina, there is an article entitled 'What to expect with end-stage renal disease' on a website called which I hope you and your father will find reassuring. It's written by a specialist nurse and endorsed by a physician.

It might be a good idea to get a chaplain or bereavement counsellor lined up for your father to talk to, perhaps. I can't imagine what could possibly console your father for his loss, but the right person will know what to say.

Wishing you and your family comfort.
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