
MIl is calling daily and cannot hear a thing. She refuses to wear her hearing aids and the conversation goes something like this. "How are you" huh, HOW ARE YOU 'huh, what, huh, what, speak up and don't yell at me" "Put your hearing aids in", "huh, what" PUT YOUR HEARING AIDS IN", "what, don't yell at me". Honestly, we can't take it anymore. My husband has difficulty with voice projection and I just cringe when he hands me the phone, We have tried telling her to please put her hearing aids in prior to calling and we get the "don't you want to talk to me" and "do you love me" lecture. Help, we would love to talk with mom but this is and impossible situation.

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my sister (the cow) will call here and if i dont answer the phone she will then text me in an angry tone "why arnt you answering the phone?" i just ignore her you see not only am i my mums main carer i am her eyes and ears now too!!

My mum refuses to wear hers too so i simply ignore her until she gets it and puts it in. also and this works she dosnt get taken out unless she wears it! sounds harsh but sometimes you have to be with this.
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Paint the button with red nail polish, or distinguish it from the others somehow that she will recognize, then tell her to push the button.
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We did get her a phone that will amplify by pushing a button which helps immensely. She is not capable of doing this. We have demonstrated the action many times and she just doesn't understand.
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BTW, we are trying to decide whether to continue paying for the phone in Mother's NH room. If she holds the hand set with the microphone end to her mouth we can have a reasonable conversation. But that is a 50-50 chance.
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My husband had to take out his hearing aids to talk on the phone. I don't think that putting in the aids in the solution. I like what gladimhere suggests.
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The hearing aids have the microphone behind the ear, and the speaker in the ear. Whenever my mom is on the phone she has to take the hearing aid out to be able to hear anything. After all we do not hold the receiver behind our ear. Hearing aids can also cause static feedback on some phones. What about a new phone that the volume can be adjusted permanently on? Not one where you have to adjust the volume for each call.
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My Mother is the same way. In her room, she wheels up to you and gets right in your face to hear you. She is not stupid woman, but she never got her hearing taken care of. She never tried.

She did call once and couldn't hear me, at all. So, she just talked. She had no idea whether I was there or not. It was highly annoying.

I have wondered about those phones that print out what I am saying, but she doesn't have anyone to help her set that up or purchase it.
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Don't answer the ding dang telephone. There's no law that says you have to talk on the phone with someone when it rings. Limit the conversation to face to face contact, because she is no longer functional on a phone.
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