
I am feeling so frustrated. My 93 year old mother in-law has Parkinson’s and vertigo. The med she takes for vertigo makes her loopey and I know she needs extra assistance when getting up with her walker so I urge her to call me to help when she needs to get up. She nods and agrees that she will call, but often gets up by herself anyway. A few days ago I went to check on her and found her on the floor. She had gotten up by herself and fell. Thankfully unhurt, but someday may be different. This afternoon I found her up in the bathroom after she had agreed to call for help, but didn’t. She said, I just needed to see if I could do it myself. How should I handle this? It really aggravates me.

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Thanks for your support. It is frustrating and I don’t know the answer, but it’s nice to have support on this site from people who understand.
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MaryBee, my Dad was the same way. He was determined to get up by himself. He didn't want to bother anyone. There isn't much we can do, as it is impossible for us to be glued to them 24 hours a day.... [sigh]
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This is so common, and so frustrating! I think the best you can do is to use an alarm that lets you know when she is getting up, but even then they will fall because you can't always get there fast enough.
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