
We are moving cross-country, and I am concerned about arranging sleeping arrangements until our furniture arrives. I can't pack many pads in a suitcase. The motel bed mattress may get wet if her disposable underpants get too saturated. Any suggestions?

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How are you getting across the country? If you are driving, you throw the whole box of pads in the car.

Call ahead to the motels and ask for waterproof bedding to be provided to protect their mattresses.

You could also have a case of pads delivered to the motel to be held until your arrival.
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Pack what you are able. When Hubby and I traveled, albeit infrequently, I packed an extra suitcase with nothing but his incontinence supplies, including a king-size waterproof mattress protector for the hotel. I also packed a ziploc with Tide Pods. We always stayed in a hotel with a laundry facility. I found a drug store or big box nearby and bought more supplies as needed.
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Call ahead and explain your needs to the motel. Most motels have mattress encasements available upon request. If they don't, stuff a mattress protector into a space bag and remove the air so that it takes up as little space as possible. You might also consider requesting an ADA room that usually has a much bigger bathroom and shower, which will make maintaining personal hygiene a much easier process.
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I also placed a large garbage bag, the "contractor" heavy plastic garbage bags under the top sheet before I got a waterproof mattress cover and that saved the mattress. And a plastic garbage bag is easy to pack.
I did get larger washable bed pad through Costco the brand is Conni and one pad holds like 80 ounces of fluid but with travel you do not want to be doing wash. The same company has washable liner pads for briefs or underwear as well.
If you are traveling by car just toss a box of briefs and pads in the car. If by plane then just buy a box when you arrive at your destination. Pack what you would need for a particular leg of you trip. Or UPS or Mail some to yourself to your final destination.
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Yes, try using disposable bed mats. They are large enough but flat to pack, and will put your mind at ease. No need for diapers then.
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That’s an easy one. Order some larger disposable pads for this trip. A while month’s worth can fit in a small carry-on size bag. For a quick fix if you don’t have time to order anything go by a pet store and buy a package or two of their largest doggy disposable training pads. They work exactly the same way. If you place it under the motel bed sheet it won’t tend to slide around at night.
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I travel with my wife who has younger onset Alzheimer's 53 as far as the hotel mattress I use bed pads. They can be purchased at any drug store i also discovered that if you put a pad inside of the disposable underwear you save on having to change the underwear
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The disposable under pads are usually available in the "depends" aisle. Even the "large" ones are only 36x36 inches. You will need several per night. I use two under the fitted sheet in the area she will be sleeping, overlapping by several inches. Also, I have heard of people using an incontinence pad inside of the brief. In this case, you may consider an "overnight" pad inside of a brief that has extra absorbency.
The bed protection may still allow the sheet to get wet, but at least it should protect the mattress pad and mattress.
For skin integrity, I would hesitate to use the pad/brief combo on an every night basis, but it should get you through this tough time.
Best of luck on your relocation. Things will get better when you are in a more convenient (closer) setting.
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I think I figured out what I am going to do: I bought 2 of the flannel bedsheet protector sheets with rubber backing, from Amazon, and I will get a blue tarp to place under the flannel protector sheet (think I have one), just in case, and I also bought a box of the largest disposable bed pads (36" X 36") I could find (on Amazon and elsewhere). I will toss out the disposable bed pads every morning, until fully relocated, and wash and alternate the flannel protector sheet, if it gets wet. And the blue tarp will serve as the failsafe measure. I am also planning to buy a pair of plastic incontinence over-pants, to go over the disposable underpants, but I have to measure her first, according to their directions, in order to select the correct size. I also ordered disposable booster pads, to go inside the disposable underpants, for traveling and overnight use. Another suggestion I heard from my brother-in-law, is to put on a disposable adult diaper (with the tapes), underneath the disposable underpants. I don't know if she will lie still for me to put that on, but I do have some I picked up some time ago.

I hope I will have room to pack everything. I think I will pack 1 suitcase just with incontinence supplies.

Thanks for all your great suggestions. I really appreciate your input.
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Go on-line to search for a company in Canada.

They have EVERYTHING you will need to protect your furniture. They even have panties that are washable so you're not spending boo coi $$$ on adult diapers. They have councilors to help discuss the issues you are facing with this too.

Gooh luck....just went through this a few months ago.

Mane sure you have the proper products so you are able to control UTIs!!! Can cause hospitalization.
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