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If you feel comfortable see him like that it's probably OK. Or he may tell you something. Like he either is too hot so, look for more loose clothing. Let the doctor know he may have some infection going on and alter his behavior.
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Ah, it's just the Dementia.
my mom went through a naked and giggling like a schoolgirl phase and I would just say: You're dressed a little casually for the room..... don't cha think? She would giggle and then we would pick out some clothes to put on.
Are you helping your dad pick out the clothes? When he decides to go commando, is it near bathroom time?
has he dropped trou at the mall?
The previous answer has some great suggestions and at the end of the day it's Dementia and he's demented and going to do some wild stuff. Try not to let it make you too nuts.
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My 90 year old Father with dementia has the exact opposite problem. He always has to have his socks and shoes or slippers on, is always cold. He refuses to bathe, even in the Dementia unit of the nursing home.
The illness is so unpredictable, their behavior and conversation may be the same for a few days, then change to something else. We could go nuts trying to figure out what their motives are, and what they are saying, but that is part of the disease. Maybe your Dad is not comfortable in the clothes he has, too loose or tight, or not soft. He will probably change that naked behavior soon. Don't worry about it though, just cherish him as he is.
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Once you've ruled out all of the above, here's something to think about...long before dad had you, he had a life and in that life he may have preferred to go au natural! Trust me, it's not something your parents would have ever brought up to others or even you kids! Now that he is going back in time, this behavior is perfectly normal for him (and think about it young kids love being nude). The key to dealing with this and not causing him to feel shamed is taking him by his hand and calmly leading him into his bedroom while reassuring him that it's ok to be naked as long as he is in his room but when he comes out he needs to wear a robe. Be persistent in the message and eventually- even with dementia- he will get it. Good Luck!
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If you can purchase a few more, or if he already owns a few robes, I would have a robe ready in almost every room so that if he walks in needing one, you can cover him while reiterating to him that he has to have something to on to protect his skin. Good luck. I am sorry.
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Yes its definately the Dementia, they have no clue, poor things. My Mom would come out in front of my 4 boys with a tshirt on and would be devastated in her normal mind. Try the ompany Buck and Buck and you will be able to buy unstrippable clothing for him there, or google other places. Good luck, I ended up making my Mom beause she stripped at night to pee on the floor, worked like a charm.
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My Mother has Dimentia and wears pull-ups. Some years back she had to have a breast reduction, many times she wants to wear only the pull-ups. Mom has to use a cane, most times a walker, but all of the sudden she will then dance down the hallway. Everyday is something different. very unpredictable, sometimes commical, mostly sad. I have to remind myself and my husband that it is this devistating disease. Hang in there. Pray for strength. But most of all keep loving and hugging him. God Bless as you continue this journey with your Dad.
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I feel your pain. My father was a retired Air Force Colonel and he was very strict with us growing up. But, I had my parents live with me when the time came. And my father became a nudist. He made me laugh in the fact it was not how he had been, but he was so happy. My mother would fuss at him and he would ignore her. I used to tell her if he wants to go naked then let it be. My husband was a saint with it, because I don't think he was ready for ALL my dad. But dad has passed and we now talk about that time and smile.
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It is really funny that you would just post Grandma has dementia and we just had an episode this afternoon today where she walked out of her room completely naked. She is in an assisted living facility. I was just googling this search tonight to see if anyone else has experienced something like this. Dementia is very hard to understand and is very sad to deal with. I don't have the answer for you as to why, but I want you to know that you are not alone. I have found a support group in my area that I have been going to once a month and that does seem to help me cope with all of these life changes. Good luck to you and your father.
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my mother has dementia, she takes her diaper off, get poop all over and i have found her masterbaiting, with what ever she can find. she does not even stop if she sees you walk in the room. so of course my teenage sons are terified to go near her room. some times you just have to laugh. thank god i have a worpt sence of humar.
p.s. sorry for my spelling.
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This is actually quite common. I am a registered nurse and experience this frequently with my dementia patients. No matter how hard I try to keep that hospital gown on, within minutes it is unsnapped and on the floor, and she (or he) is laying there completely naked, and completely unashamed about the fact. I had a family member get furious with me one time because when she came to visit her mother, she walked in and found her naked. I tried to explain but she wasn't hearing it. However, it is common.... I don't fully understand what is happening in the brain physiologically, but it is common.
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There are clothing stores on line for nursing home and disabled people. One is called adaptive clothing which right now just happens to be under maintenance. They have clothing that are hard to get out of. They snap in the back or zipper or are adapted so that the patient cannot get out of them by themselves. I know that there are times when they cannot go commando so you might look into this. This behavior might change but until it does this might help
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