
She has Low pressure but under control
Thats all
She is very active. How can I help her ?

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Hello, sorry to hear about your grandmother's falls.

Keep obstacles out of the way. For her daily routine. If she is walking to the bathroom, in the kitchen, if she is tripping over things and falling then keep obstacles out of the way.

If there are no obstacles take her for checks, doctor needs to know what is making her falling repeatedly and then you can decide how to help her more.

If you ever read this, all the best.
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Someone said the other day the duplicates are probably caused by a slow system and OP may think the question has not been posted.

If there is pain that high there is something going on. With my Mom after a fall she hit her head and thats what they worried about. After complaining about pain in her back, I took her back to ER and the found a fracture in one of her lower vertebrae. It was repaired and her pain gone. If grandmom is in pain, her blood pressure should be high. I would call her PCP.
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Mugambegye2026 Jan 2023
Thank yoy
I am assuming she isn't taking any blood pressure medications. People often only get measured in the office where it is high, then continue on medications at home that lower pressure. The pressure bottoms and they fall.
Our balance gets so poor. I am 80 and while I weigh 145, more than I ever weighed before in my life, I feel like a feather in the wind on the bus, always grabbing hold of some stanchion to keep my balance as I fly back and forth. I have lost balance twice in the yard not paying attention and walking over something backward and each time I tell myself that I could fall and break something. The thing we all fear.
Encourage her to take medications that won't make her woozy, causing further falls. She will be sore for a while. Glad there appears no break in the pelvis as there's never anything to do with those but long slow healing. So sorry.
I would suggest a home measure of the BP daily. Cheap machines abound on amazon and Omron makes GOOD ones.
Good luck. I do balance exercises, too, but now is not the time for her to begin those.
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