
My dad died at 2:30 am this morning. I have more to say, but didn't want one moment to pass without telling everyone that without this board on some days, I would have lost my mind. This board saved my mental and emotional health, and I'll check back in in a few days. Love and hugs to other caregivers who are in the good fight.

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Hey Tired ~

My deepest condolences. I just lost my dad last Thursday and I agree; w/o this site to come to on a daily basis ~ Just to read a little bit of what others were going thru ~ I would've never had made it mentally.

Now just remember to take care of yourself for the next few days. You won't remember much of what people say to you but just one foot in front of the other for a few more days! Much Love ~ Joni
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Hugs ImSoTired1,so sorry 💜
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My prayers are with you. Peace for you both. You will always have a space in your heart reserved just for him. Hugs
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Blessings on both of you. We are all here to support you at this challenging time.
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Blessings to you, and my sympathy.
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Tired I am so sorry for the loss of your dad.
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My condolences on the loss of your dad.
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I am so sorry, and I will be in prayer for you and your family. And I agree ...this site got me thru taking care of Dad until he passed 3 weeks ago, and even now I find comfort here.
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I am so sorry your dad has passed. Please take care of yourself during this sad time.
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tiredonlychild, my heartfelt sympathy to you and your family for the passing of your Dad.
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