
He just moved her to a new facility yesterday and told my sister and I we can’t see her for a week because she needs to get used to the surroundings "becaue the dr said."He uses the Dr. thing every minute of every day for one thing or another. He is angry at me and my sister because my mom laughs with us and I believe he is jealous. I contacted the ombudsman assigned to her area because my dad thinks POA means he can control us with our mom. He is 80 and his actions are not helping my mom he seems unstable and does not want my mom's life to be enriched as we do. He tells friends she's terminal and he is looking into hospice. She is not there not close. What do I do about this, do I get someone to do a welfare check on him? He does not have my mom's best interest in mind. Sorry for the book but need some help. Thank you!

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What did the Ombudsmen say about the POA? Curious since so many people use this against family members. I think you should go see Mom. Call the nurses station and see if there are any doctors orders saying it's recommended no visitors. Yes, Mom needs to get used to the routine and staff but she needs to see someone she knows or she will feel abandoned. I never visited in the morning. They are getting them up and dressed for breakfast. Then morning routines and then lunch. I usually went before dinner because of afternoon activities. I stayed until they wheeled them in for dinner. Don't let your Dad tell you what to do. Your an adult and can make up ur own mind.
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The Ombudsman said he can't keep his kids away from their mom. We are going this afternoon we didnt want to upset her yesterday because my dad was trting to make a scene about us not being able to see her right in front of her. We always say to her bye mom, see you later and its a figure of speech and dad yelked no tiu wont. Thats what we are dealing with. Thanks for your support!
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